News & Podcasts

Jan. 28, 2020
By Milenko Martinovich and Katherine Tam
Science of Caring
With the start of a new year and a new decade comes the promise of innovative advancements in health and health care. Here, seven faculty at the UCSF School of Nursing lay out their visions for what they are looking forward to in the 2020s — and the steps needed to advance human health and health care in our communities and beyond.
Jan. 24, 2020
By Silver Lumsdaine
Science of Caring
UCSF School of Nursing sociologist Howard Pinderhughes is leading an initiative to make UCSF an "anchor institution." The designation could help UCSF further improve health equity for underserved members of our community.

Amid cheers and applause, the School of Nursing marked a milestone as it celebrated the first cohort to complete its Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree program at a closing ceremony on Dec…

Dec. 17, 2019
By Katherine Tam
Science of Caring
In 2019, Science of Caring explored critical nursing issues in practice, research and policy.
November 20, 2019
By Milenko Martinovich
Science of Caring
A team of UCSF nursing students take to the streets of San Francisco to provide nursing advice to those battling homelessness. The team's efforts have also had an impact at the School of Nursing, which is considering making "Street Nursing" an elective.
November 20, 2019
By Milenko Martinovich
Science of Caring
School of Nursing Associate Professor Andrew Penn is part of a team of UCSF researchers examining the effects of MDMA, a psychedelic drug, on people battling post-traumatic stress disorder. His recent published research on cannabis advocates for clinicians and patients to have a "sophisticated conversation" about cannabis to improve patient health.
November 20, 2019
By Shelley Wong
Science of Caring
With funding from the VA Nursing Research Initiative Award, Linda Park is conducting a four-year study of antiplatelet medication adherence in veteran patients with coronary heart disease using text messaging, a mobile application, or an educational website.