Preceptor Portal

Preceptors and volunteer clinical faculty offer students individual perspectives and hands-on experience in a variety of health care settings and specialties. The cumulative effect of what these volunteers impart plays a significant role in the care any health system delivers.

  • Clinical preceptors are integral to the future of nursing.
    • They volunteer their time and energy, using education and training in an effort to assure that the profession grows and thrives.
    • They provide students with learning experiences that prepare them for the role of expert care provider.
  • Preceptors can advance their career by becoming a UCSF volunteer faculty, participating in CE opportunities, and collaborating on projects within the School of Nursing.
  • For more information, contact Clinical Placements Supervisor Tammy Ryan.

Why I Precept

What Makes a Great Preceptor?

Recognizing Our Preceptors

In honor of the critical contributions that preceptors make to advance student learning, the UCSF School of Nursing faculty are honoring one preceptor each month. The award recognizes an exceptional preceptor who consistently and effectively contributes to UCSF nursing students’ clinical education.

June 2024 preceptor of the month

Kathryn Snow, MS, RN, CNRN, specializes in neurocritical care at Kaiser Permanente, Redwood City, where she ensures that standardized, evidence-based care is provided to the vulnerable neuro population, both in her facility and through region-wide consultation.

"Kathryn has precepted students and read comprehensive exams for the Physiological Nursing department for many years. We so appreciate her," said Astrid Block, coordinator of the Adult-Gerontology Clinical Nurse Specialist specialty. 

"I recall my trepidation when I was a new CNS, but quickly learned that my skills and expertise were valuable to my organization and the staff nurses," said Snow. If I can role model CNS work just by doing what I do every day, precepting becomes a natural, collaborative process that I hope teaches them they are 'enough' and they are ready!"

Preceptee Ashley Thomas said, “Kathryn is truly the preceptor of all preceptors! Not only is she a clinical practice expert in her specialty, neuroscience, she is a great mentor and educator, and truly cares about growing the next generation of CNSs. She always made it a priority to attend team rounds every morning to ensure patients were receiving quality care, and consistently made time for the nursing staff and unit leadership when they had inquiries. She is also directly involved in research and nursing education related to stroke and neuroscience, all while recently achieving her DNP.” 

Read about other recipients of the School of Nursing Preceptor Awards