
June 5, 2017
By Diana Austin
Science of Caring
After pioneering evidence-based, trauma-informed care for women with HIV, UCSF School of Nursing faculty members affiliated with the UCSF Women’s HIV Program are bringing their successes to other health care settings.

A fond farewell to March Hajre as she sets out to enjoy a new chapter in life. March’s contract with the School of Nursing is ending and March is moving on to greener pastures. Those “pastures” are in Greensboro,…

On May 26, 2017, graduates of the UC San Francisco School of Nursing were celebrated in the 2017 Commencement, held at Davies Symphony Hall in the Civic Center of San Francisco. Distinguished guest, President UCSF…

May 16, 2017
By Victoria Flores
Science of Caring
Overcoming a learning disability has given doctoral student Victoria Flores confidence and an understanding of how to seek help when she needs it.

In recognition of the continuous support and outreach to the Hispanic nursing community, the National Association of Hispanic Nurses (NAHN), Los Angeles Chapter recognized the UCSF School of Nursing at the 22nd…

The New York Times published an opinion page by Alice Wong (MS ‘04) on May 3 titled “My Medicaid, My Life.”

Alice Wong came to UCSF in 1997 as a graduate student in the Department of Social and Behavioral…