Leadership in Action: Alumni, Faculty, Staff and Student Milestones
Barbara Koenig to Lead Project Exploring California’s Physician Aid-in-Dying Law
Barbara Koenig Barbara Koenig, professor in the Institute for Health & Aging and director of the UCSF bioethics program, will lead a collaborative project to explore health care provider response to California’s End of Life Option Act (ELOA). The law took effect last June and allows terminally ill adults to request and receive aid-in-dying medications under certain circumstances. The ELOA project will create and disseminate resources to help organizations develop related policies and best practices.
The project, funded by a one-year, $314,000 grant from the California HealthCare Foundation and the Stupski Foundation, will also include a collaboration with UCLA to survey state institutions about their policies and experiences with the legislation. With the Coalition for Compassionate Care of California, the project team will organize a statewide meeting in September to allow stakeholders to discuss issues raised by the law’s implementation, share their experiences with related policy development, and plan research on health systems’ experiences with the law.
Koenig is working with a steering committee comprising representatives from health care organizations across the state, including Kaiser Permanente, the California Hospital Association, Sutter Health Bay Area and the California Department of Public Health.
Audrey Lyndon Is New Chair of Family Health Care Nursing
Audrey Lyndon On August 1, Associate Professor Audrey Lyndon became the new chair of the Department of Family Health Care Nursing.
A perinatal clinical nurse specialist (CNS) and a fellow of the American Academy of Nursing, Lyndon is a graduate of the School’s Master’s Entry Program in Nursing (MEPN) and PhD degree programs, and has served as director of the School’s perinatal CNS program since joining the faculty in 2007.
Her work in patient safety and quality in inpatient maternity and neonatal care has received international acclaim, and she has worked with many organizations, including the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, the March of Dimes and the Medical Research Council of the United Kingdom, on these issues.
As an educator, Lyndon has been involved in numerous efforts to expand and improve nursing education and further the School’s educational aims. She has participated in UC-CORO Systemwide Leadership Collaborative training and the School’s Diversity in Action (DIVA) program, and has chaired the School’s Faculty Council and co-chaired the first phase of the School’s Fiscal Health Workgroup.
Lyndon replaces Interim Chair Catherine Chesla, whom Dean Sandra Weiss commended for her excellent stewardship and invaluable contributions to the department and the School.
Monica McLemore Profiled by Campaign for Action
Monica McLemore Assistant Professor of Family Health Care Nursing Monica McLemore was profiled and interviewed in an article and accompanying video by the Campaign for Action, an initiative of the Center to Champion Nursing in America, the AARP Foundation and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The project aims to create a system in which nurses are essential partners in providing health care and promoting health.
In the interview, McLemore traces her career from her initial decision to go into nursing to her current accomplishments in the field of reproductive health and justice. She was the only nurse whose research was cited in the American Academy of Nursing’s statement on the landmark Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt decision by the U.S. Supreme Court, which struck down a restrictive Texas abortion law; and her community engagement work with women of color at social and medical risk for preterm birth was recognized by the Obama administration at the October 2016 White House Frontiers conference.
McLemore also advocated for dismantling the barriers between nursing research and clinical practice, nurse engagement in the legislative and policymaking process, and educating clinicians about health and wellness in the context of justice.
Diana Taylor and Monica McLemore on ACA Repeal’s Effect on Women and Families
Diana Taylor A repeal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), currently being considered by Congress, "would be devastating for the health and economic security of women and families,” wrote the authors of an opinion piece published July 23 on HuffPost.
The article, penned by a group of six nurse-scientists – including the School’s Professor Emerita Diana Taylor and Assistant Professor Monica McLemore, along with Rush University's Mona Shattell, the University of Southern California’s Ellen F. Olshansky, the University of Florida’s Versie Johnson-Mallard and the University of Washington’s Nancy Fugate Woods – notes that repeal could strip coverage from the millions of women and families who obtained health insurance through ACA exchanges or the law’s Medicaid expansion, and would place a particular burden on low-income families and older women.
The authors cite several other problems with current replacement proposals for the ACA, including decreased access to coordinated care, elimination of protection for people with pre-existing health conditions, lack of guaranteed maternity coverage and more barriers to obtaining contraception.
Penny Brennan Publishes on Late-Life Drinking Problems
Penny Brennan Penny Brennan, adjunct professor in the Institute for Health & Aging, has co-authored a study on late-life drinking problems.
The study, published in the May 21 online edition of the Center of Alcohol Studies’ Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, looked at drinking-pattern variability as predictors for later-life drinking problems. Brennan and her co-investigators found that both high-average levels of drinking and episodic heavy drinking patterns may raise the risk of developing drinking problems in later life.
Marsha Michie in GenomeWeb on Noninvasive Prenatal Testing
Marsha Michie A July 14 GenomeWeb article on noninvasive prenatal testing quoted Assistant Professor Marsha Michie, of the Institute for Health & Aging, regarding a recently launched noninvasive prenatal test (NIPT) to identify certain genetic disorders.
Michie, an anthropologist and empirical bioethicist who studies social and ethical issues in genetics, noted concerns regarding the positive predictive value (PPV) of cell-free DNA screening tests, and called for more published clinical data on single-gene NIPTs.
Recent Publications
Engagement with Health Care Providers as a Mediator Between Social Capital and Quality of Life Among a Sample of People Living with HIV in the United States: Path-Analysis (SoSon Jong, Adam Carrico, Bruce Cooper, Lisa Thompson, Carmen Portillo), December 2017
Safe Patient Handling Behaviors and Lift Use Among Hospital Nurses: A Cross-Sectional Study (Soo-Jeong Lee, Joung Hee Lee), September 2017
Psychosocial Work Factors and Low Back Pain in Taxi Drivers (Barbara J. Burgel), August 2017
Twelve Tips for Delivering Successful Interprofessional Case Conferences (Anna Strewler, Krista Gager), July 7, 2017
US Media Coverage of Tobacco Industry Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives (Patricia McDaniel, E. Anne Lown, Ruth Malone), July 6, 2017
Understanding Barriers to Medication, Dietary, and Lifestyle Treatments Prescribed in Polycystic Kidney Disease (Catherine Chesla), July 5, 2017
Impact of a Webcast on Nurses’ Delivery of Tobacco Dependence Treatment (Stella Bialous), July 5, 2017
Technologic Distractions (Part 1): Summary of Approaches to Manage Alert Quantity with Intent to Reduce Alert Fatigue and Suggestions for Alert Fatigue Metrics (Xiao Hu, Michele Pelter), July 4, 2017
Knowledge, Attitudes, Beliefs and Patterns of Waterpipe Use Among Jordanian Adults Who Exclusively Smoke Waterpipes (Erika Froelicher), July 3, 2017
Care of the Critically Ill Burn Patient. An Overview from the Perspective of Optimizing Palliative Care (Kathleen Puntillo), July 2017
Standardizing the Classification of Abortion Incidents: The Procedural Abortion Incident Reporting and Surveillance (PAIRS) Framework (Diana Taylor), July 2017
Alterations in Opioid Inhibition Cause Widespread Nociception but Do Not Affect Anxiety-Like Behavior in Oral Cancer Mice (Christine Miaskowski), June 30, 2017
Evaluation of the Feasibility of a Home-Based TeleYoga Intervention in Participants with Both Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Heart Failure (DorAnne Donesky, Jill Howie-Esquivel), June 27, 2017
A Community Based Program for Family Caregivers for Post Stroke Survivors in Thailand (Catherine Waters), June 26, 2017
Utility of a Time Frame in Assessing Psychological Pain and Suicide Ideation (Sandra Weiss), June 22, 2017
Patient Characteristics Associated with a Successful Response to Nurse-Led Care Programs Targeting the Oldest-Old: A Comparison of Two RCTs (Margaret Wallhagen), June 20, 2017
Marketization in Long-Term Care: A Cross-Country Comparison of Large For-Profit Nursing Home Chains (Charlene Harrington), June 8, 2017
Perinatal Depression Among HIV-Infected Women in KwaZulu-Natal South Africa: Prenatal Depression Predicts Lower Rates of Exclusive Breastfeeding (Emily Tuthill), June 2017
Historical Review of Efforts to Reduce Noise-Induced Hearing Loss in the United States (Oi Saeng Hong), June 2017
Predictors of the Multidimensional Symptom Experience of Lung Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy (Steven Paul, Bruce Cooper, Christine Miaskowski), June 2017
Cost-Effectiveness of Nivolumab-Ipilimumab Combination Therapy Compared with Monotherapy for First-Line Treatment of Metastatic Melanoma in the United States (Anna Oh), June 2017
Differences in Symptom Clusters Identified Using Symptom Occurrence Rates Versus Severity Ratings in Patients with Breast Cancer Undergoing Chemotherapy (Heather Leutwyler, Bruce Cooper, Steven Paul, Christine Miaskowski), June 2017
Dementia-Capable Care Coordination in Duals Demonstration Programs: Workforce Needs, Promising Practices, and Policy (Brooke Hollister, Jason Flatt, Susan Chapman), May 25, 2017
Seeking Safety Group Therapy for Co-Occurring Substance Use Disorder and PTSD Among Transgender Women Living with HIV: A Pilot Study (Yvette Cuca, Carol Dawson-Rose), May 19, 2017
Differences in Symptom Clusters Identified Using Ratings of Symptom Occurrence vs. Severity in Lung Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy (Bruce Cooper, Steven Paul, Christine Miaskowski), May 19, 2017
The Importance of Investigating Abuser Characteristics in Elder Emotional/Psychological Abuse: Results from Adult Protective Services Data (Pi-Ju Liu), May 17, 2017
Case Management Helps Prevent Criminal Justice Involvement for People with Serious Mental Illness (Heather Leutwyler, Erin Hubbard, Elaine Zahnd), May 12, 2017
Benefits of Preparing for Childbirth with Mindfulness Training: A Randomized Controlled Trial with Active Comparison (Jane Riccobono, Nancy Bardacke), May 12, 2017
Utilization of a Sobering Center for Acute Alcohol Intoxication (Shannon Smith-Bernardin, Wendy Max, Susan Chapman), May 11, 2017
Expanding Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health Services Through Nursing Education (Monica McLemore), May 9, 2017
Tobacco Growing and the Sustainable Development Goals, Malawi (Stella Bialous, Wendy Max), May 1, 2017
Psychiatric Risk in Unstably Housed Sexual Minority Women: Relationship Between Sexual and Racial Minority Status and Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Psychiatric Diagnoses (Annesa Flentje), May-June 2017
90-90-90-Plus: Maintaining Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapies (Carol Dawson-Rose), May 2017
Two-Step Screening for Depressive Symptoms and Prediction of Mortality in Patients with Heart Failure (Michele Pelter, Kathleen Dracup), May 2017
Common and Distinct Characteristics Associated with Trajectories of Morning and Evening Energy in Oncology Patients Receiving Chemotherapy (Hamza Abid, Kord Kober, Steven Paul, Kathy Lee), May 2017
A Qualitative Investigation of the Impact of a Livelihood Intervention on Gendered Power and Sexual Risk Behaviors Among HIV-Positive Adults in Rural Kenya (Shari Dworkin), May 2017
Late-Life Drinking Problems: The Predictive Roles of Drinking Level vs. Drinking Pattern (Penny Brennan), May 2017
Meta-Analysis of Mobile Phone Reminders on HIV Patients’ Retention to Care (SoSon Jong, Yvette Cuca, Lisa Thompson), April 21, 2017