News & Podcasts

The International Network for Doctoral Education in Nursing (INDEN)’s Global Leader in Doctoral Education Award recognizes an individual for their outstanding leadership, mentorship, and excellence in doctoral…

UCSF School of Nursing Faculty, Drs. Ifeyinwa Asiodu and Melinda Bender were recently selected to take part in the UCSF Research in Implementation Science for Equity (RISE) Program, one of the National Heart,…

We are sorry to report that Grace Obata Amemiya passed away on July 23, 2017, after a brief illness. This article, written at the time of her 2009 honorary degree, reminds us of her exceptional character, and the…

The Office of University Development and Alumni Relations (UDAR) is pleased to announce two new staff appointments.

Assistant Director of Development Putman

Maggie Putman will be continuing to…

The School of Nursing is pleased to announce that Audrey Lyndon, RN, PhD, FAAN, will become Chair of the Department of Family Health Care Nursing (FHCN) as of August 1, 2017. After receiving her bachelor’s degree…

Faculty, alumni, and preceptors from the UC San Francisco (UCSF) Nurse-Midwifery/Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner program shared presentations, showed leadership, and received honors at the 63rd Annual Meeting of…

  At the end of June, three key faculty from the Department of Community Health Systems retire—Carmen Portillo, RN, PhD, FAAN; Barbara Burgel, RN, ANP, PhD; and JoAnne Saxe, DNP, RN, ANP-BC, FAAN…