Nurse Faculty Loan Program (NFLP)

The Nurse Faculty Loan Program (NFLP) provides students with loans of up to $35,000 per academic year for a maximum of three years.

The NFLP loan will be released as a fee offset distributed equally in three quarters. The program offers partial loan forgiveness for borrowers that graduate and serve as full-time nursing faculty nine months after their graduation. The loan recipients may cancel 85% of the loan over four years in return for serving full time as faculty in any accredited school of nursing.

All currently enrolled PhD, Post-Master's DNP and BSN Entry to DNP nursing students are eligible to apply if they are committed to a faculty role, in good academic standing, are U.S. citizens or permanent residents, and not in default on any prior student loans. Priority will be given to:

  • Full-time PhD, Post-Master's DNP and BSN Entry to DNP students
  • Students who have completed their first year in the PhD, Post-Master's DNP and BSN Entry to DNP programs
  • Students who do not have full funding from other sources

The NFLP does not support post-doctoral nursing programs (i.e. fellowships). The NFLP recipients who graduate and participate in post-doctoral programs may request deferment of payment. Those who fail to become faculty members within nine months of graduation, or take a leave from school must repay the loan at the prevailing interest rate.

How to Apply: