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News & Podcasts
Brianna Singleton, a first-year PhD student studying with Oi Saeng Hong, RN, PhD, FAAN, FAAOHN, professor in the Department of Community Health Systems, represented the UCSF School of Nursing at the 2016 American…
Sharon Collins, a student in the UCSF School of Nursing Adult Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Program, presented at the recent November 2016 meeting of the Northern California Chapter of GAPNA (NCCGAPNA)…
The School of Nursing Dean’s Office and Student Affairs team schedule events throughout the year that provide an opportunity for celebration, networking, and conversation with the Dean. On October 26, in keeping…
Three from the UCSF School of Nursing, including: Clinical Professor Pamela Bellefeuille, RN, MN, CNS; Clinical Professor Annette Carley, RN, DNP, NP; and Clinical Teaching Assistant Peterson Pierre, RN, MS; were…