If you are a School of Nursing faculty or staff member, please consult this directory for the appropriate contact to assist with your question or request. If you need further assistance after reviewing the directory, please contact Administrative Director Larissa Best.
Jump to specific sections within the directory:
- HR Matters (including hiring, job classifications, compensation, honorariums, etc.)
- Business and Finance (including purchasing, reimbursements, faculty fund balances, etc.)
- Administration of Grants
- Academic Matters (including curriculum/course design, support with education technology, accreditation, learner scheduling, learner compliance)
- Clinical Placements, Contracts, Credentialing and Strategic Integration Partnerships
- On-Campus Support, Office Space, Work Equipment, Badge and Building Access
- Faculty and Academic Affairs
If your question is about ... | Please contact the following individuals |
HR Matters |
HR matters for faculty, staff or non-faculty academics | |
Business and Finance |
If you are unsure of who to contact for business and finance matters, email Tiffany Nguyen. | |
Requests for reimbursements. Please submit within 45 days of expense or end of travel. |
— If you are faculty or staff in Family Health Care Nursing, Community Health Systems, contact Sandra Blanco — If you are faculty or staff in Physiological Nursing, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Institute for Health & Aging or the Dean's Office, contact Maggie Ng. — If you are a student, contact Maggie Ng. |
Inquiring about status of reimbursements and vendor payments |
For updates on purchases and reimbursements, visit the UCSF Supply Chain Management Internal Support ticket system. The Accounts Payable Office is experiencing a backlog. Reimbursement can take four weeks or more. Please do not submit a ticket until after four weeks from the submission date of reimbursement. Vendors may inquire about payments by submitting a ticket through the UCSF Supplier Support system. Due to the backlog, please wait at least four weeks before checking payment status. |
Requests for purchasing, independent contractors, consultants, other purchase orders. |
— If you are in Family Health Care Nursing or Community Health Systems, contact Sandra Blanco — If you are in Physiological Nursing, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Institute for Health & Aging, Dean's Office, contact Nancy Ngo |
Questions about faculty fund balances, including faculty discretionary accounts and academic enrichment accounts | If you have an RSA, direct your question to your RSA. If you do not have an RSA, direct your question to Steve Tran. |
Administration of Grants |
Administration of grants |
Please discuss with your RSA. If you do not have an RSA or are unsure of who to contact, please contact Frank Fernandez. |
Academic Matters |
Faculty coverage for teaching courses when the Faculty of Record is unavailable or ill. | Consult your department chair or vice chair. |
Curriculum/course design and training/support with the use of education technology |
[email protected] |
Administrative issues of the academic programs |
— Marianne Biangone for curriculum and accreditation matters |
Clinical Placements, Contracts, Credentialing and Integration Partnerships |
Clinical placements, student Training Affiliation Agreements, preceptor credentialing and institutional Certificates of Insurance | Tammy Ryan |
— Faculty MOUs, PSAs, IPAs and other contract matters — Partnerships with UCSF Health or affiliates — Faculty credentialing administration (including Faculty Practice Committee or NP Fellows inquiries) — Volunteer Faculty Network partnerships |
[email protected] |
Leadership Institute | Ramu Nagappan |
On-Campus Support, Office Space, Work Equipment, Badge and Building Access |
On-campus support such as: — Forgot your key or badge |
If you need general operational or service assistance, please submit your request here. Please expect 48-72 hours response time. |
Office space assignments for faculty and staff |
— For questions about specific space assignment in the departments/institute, contact your department/institute chair. |
Office equipment |
— For the departments/institute, contact Bertina Lee. — For the Dean's Office, contact Michael Jaffe. |
UCSF badge and building access | — For all departments, please contact Bertina Lee and Lorina Gee. |
Problems with your computer, software applications, accessing the UCSF network or VPN | Submit an IT ticket using one of these options: — Call: (415) 514-4100 — Online: https://ucsf.service-now.com/ess/ — Email: [email protected] |
Telephone lines |
— For the Dean's Office, contact Michael Jaffe. |
Faculty and Academic Affairs |
Policies and procedures relating to academic personnel including faculty recruitment, appointment, retention, development and advancement | Candace Wise |