Associated Students of the School of Nursing

The Associated Students of the School of Nursing (ASSN) is the official organization representing the School of Nursing students at UCSF. The ASSN is a great way to get involved in the School. ASSN board members advocate on behalf of students at the School and university levels, and serve as a liaison among the student body, staff and faculty.

The ASSN works to make changes students would like to see, and sponsors events, workshops, topics of interest and hosts panels. The ASSN sits on faculty boards, the GPSA board, alumni boards and various student organizations. 

Recent and current projects include student representation on various School committees; fostering community on campus with students, administrators, staff and others; assisting with updating the Student Handbook; anti-oppression document for Faculty Handbook and guest lectures; gender-neutral bathrooms; hosting lecture series for students; School of Nursing social events and fundraisers; artwork on campus (mural unveiling); working for additional support and emergency funding for students during the COVID-19 pandemic; and other issues that are important to students. View the ASSN's 2023-2024 budget

Virtual Suggestion Box

Do you wish to contact the ASSN anonymously? Please leave any questions, comments, concerns or suggestions using our ASSN Virtual Suggestion Box. ASSN strives to create an environment conducive to learning and hope to meet the needs of each individual. Let us know how ASSN can help.

Resources Available to Students

Conference Reimbursement

ASSN supports students attending or presenting at conferences. To request support, please submit the conference reimbursement request within 30 days of conference attendance, along with all receipts and supporting documentation. ASSN can fund up to $200 per student for reimbursement of conference attendance fees, including entrance fees, travel fees and meals. The ASSN treasurer will provide a response to submitted forms within two weeks. If you have any questions, please contact Treasurer Katie Ha.

Sponsored Event/Project

Funding from the ASSN can be granted to students who organize a special conference, presentation or project that enhances the student learning experience at UCSF. Requests are reviewed and voted on by ASSN board members with notification of the decision by email afterward. Any granted funding will be reimbursed only AFTER the event and after receipts have been submitted. You can submit your request through this form. If you have any questions, please contact Treasurer Katie Ha.

Basic Needs

The ASSN offers up to $100 per student per quarter to assist with basic needs such as gas, utilities, groceries, etc. The distribution will be on a first-come, first-served basis while funds are available. To request basic needs support, please complete this form.

ASSN Officers 2024 - 2025

Executive Committee
President Aean Peattie [email protected]
Co-Vice Presidents Ganiv Kahlon
Athen Kegler

[email protected]
[email protected]

Secretary Sophia Wuest [email protected]
Treasurer Katie Ha [email protected]
ASSN Committees
Co-Social Chair Audrey Jularbal [email protected]
Co-Social Media Managers Aminah Khan
Maryam Khan
[email protected]
[email protected]
Nursing Alumni Association Council Representative    
GPSA Liaison    
Disability Resources Representative    
Diversity, Inclusion and Outreach (DIO) Representative Leila Rad [email protected]
Sigma Theta Tau International Representatives     
Student Health Advisory Committee Representatives    
Student Services Fee Advisory Committee Representatives    
Nursing Faculty Council (NFC) Representatives
Nursing Faculty Council Representative Kelly Swift [email protected]
Faculty Practice Committee Representative Kelly Swift [email protected]
Recruitment and Retention Representative    
Research Committee Representative Haruno Suzuki [email protected]
Interprofessional Practice Representative Samya Ghuloum [email protected]
BSN Entry to DNP Pathway Representative Kate Marx [email protected]
PhD Program Council Representative Lily Xu [email protected]
Master of Science Program Council Representatives Ganiv Kahlon [email protected]

Specialty/Program Liaisons

Adult Gerontology Clinical Nurse Specialist, Oncology and Critical Care Trauma Liaison Kelly Swift [email protected]
Adult Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Liaison    
Adult Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Liaison Jaclyn Leonard [email protected]
Adult Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner - Occupational and Environmental Health Liaison    
Nurse Midwifery Olivia Godby [email protected]
Family Nurse Practitioner Liaison Gina Laws [email protected]
Health Policy and Public Health Liaison    
Neonatal Nurse Practitioner Liaison    
Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Acute Care Liaison    
Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Primary Care Liaison    
Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Liaison Cassie Blessing [email protected]


Position Duties

Elected or appointed officers of the ASSN Executive Committee shall consist of:

Duties of the President

  • Preside over all Executive Committee meetings.
  • Appoint ad-hoc committees upon approval by the members in attendance.
  • Formulate an agenda for each meeting and distribute among Committee members prior to scheduled meetings.
  • Act as liaison with the School of Nursing Administration and allied organizations.
  • Coordinate executive officers and activities.
  • Act as official representative of the ASSN at university functions.
  • Ensure the maintenance of the website, public calendar, and social media.
  • Carry out the duties of the Vice President in their absence.

Duties of the Vice President

  • Carry out the duties of the President in their absence.
  • Carry out those duties delegated to them by the President.
  • Oversee recruitment and elections of new ASSN officers during Spring Quarter. Announce the names of the new ASSN officers via email and website.
  • Assist the President in maintaining website, updating public calendar, and administering social media.

Duties of the Treasurer

  • Develop a budget for the school year in collaboration with the exiting and incoming officers during the spring quarter.
  • Coordinate financial transactions of the ASSN.
  • Oversee all financial transactions and expenses of ASSN and to have a record of them available for inspection upon request of any member.
  • Present budget status as a written or visual report at ASSN meeting at the first and last meeting of each quarter. Maintain records of budget reports.
  • Coordinate quarterly disbursements for travel grants and other student activity-related expenses.

Duties of the Secretary

  • Record, maintain and distribute minutes of all meetings in by the end of the meeting week via OrgSync.
  • Record attendance of Executive Committee and other attendees at each meeting. Maintain rosters of members of the Executive Committee (recorded in meeting minutes).
  • Ensure notices of meetings are posted on bulletin board, social media and web calendar.
  • Publicize ASSN programs in available campus publications, including the Student Weekly Digest (box to click for "inclusion on Student Life events list" when creating events/booking rooms via OrgSync or submitting to [email protected]).
  • Determine the voting privileges of those present at the Executive Committee meetings/ create OrgSync polls.
  • Maintain a file of all agendas, minutes, and correspondence of the Executive Committee. Files may be hard-copy and maintained in a digital document repository for posterity.
  • Serve as liaison to the School of Nursing Students Weekly Digest e-newsletter and UCSF ASSN website. Serve as liaison to Synapse, the UCSF student newspaper.

Duties of the Social Chair

  • Lead the planning and coordination of student focused social events within the School of Nursing.
  • Coordinate nursing student participation of social events at the campus level. Communicate with the GPSA Student Events and Publicity Chair to encourage School of Nursing participation in GPSA events.

Duties of the Social Media Manager

  • Oversee ASSN interactions across multiple social media platforms (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.) while building the robustness of ASSN’s online presence.
  • Collaborate with ASSN committee members to plan and implement digital marketing campaigns. May also interact with the School of Nursing's Communications Manager and Communications and Social Media Specialist to assist with various campaigns.
  • Utilize creative thinking to foster community amongst the members of the School of Nursing through impactful digital content.

Duties of the Nursing Alumni Association Liaison

  • Plan, coordinate, execute ASSN/Nursing Alumni Association (NAA) collaborative events.
  • Seek student input in topics of interest for ASSN / NAA collaborative events.
  • Seek out NAA members who can participate in events that meet student needs and interests.
  • Facilitate nursing student engagement at social events at the campus level.
  • Encourage upcoming and recent graduates to join the NAA, give lunch talks, and attend ASSN / NAA events.
  • Work to collaboratively establish databases or other means of facilitating mentorship.

Duties of the GPSA Liaison

  • Represent ASSN by serving as the GPSA liaison at scheduled GPSA meetings.
  • Communicate important issues to the Executive Committee and ASSN members.
  • Assist the GPSA School of Nursing MEPN, MS and PhD Program Representatives in disseminating relevant information to the student body.
  • Oversee recruitment of School of Nursing students to fill GPSA Executive Board and Representative positions during the spring quarter.
  • Increase School of Nursing students’ awareness of the GPSA.

Duties of the Disability Resources Representative

  • Collaborate with the ASSN Diversity Liaison to address issues that students in the SON who are neurodiverse, have disabilities, and other chronic conditions feel are important and are affecting their learning environment and abilities to thrive.
  • Work as a liaison between Student Disability Services, the SON faculty and staff, and the DIVA committee about the ongoing needs of students.
  • Help support SON student-led groups and their goals as UCSF organizations.
  • Support ASSN Officers and Chairs to develop events that enhance and create inclusive spaces.
  • Keep open communication between ASSN and working projects throughout the SON

Duties of the Diversity, Inclusion and Outreach (DIO) Liaison

  • Act as a liaison that helps keep issues students of color in the SON, (MEPN, MS, PHD), feel are important and affect their learning environment and abilities to thrive
  • Help support SON student led groups and their goals as UCSF organizations: Voces Latinas, NSOC, DAS, LGBTQ Communities, and any future student led groups
  • Support ASSN Officers and Chairs create events that enhance and create inclusive spaces
  • Keep open communication between ASSN and working projects throughout the SON
  • Work alongside Student DIVA Representatives to help address current issues and concerns faced by diverse groups or individual students in the SON

Duties of the Sigma Theta Tau International Board Representative

  • One first year and one second year master’s student to represent the UCSF SON in matters regarding Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society.
  • Attend meetings that take place the first Thursday of the month for one hour (with late two-hour meetings in December and March).
  • It is expected to attend and assist with the annual induction of new members. Ceremony takes place annually in June.

Duties of the Student Health Advisory Committee Representative

  • To provide input regarding the quality of the Student Health and Counseling Services program in meeting the needs of UCSF students
  • To serve as the evaluation body for the Graduate Student Health Insurance (UC-SHIP) benefits design
  • To serve as a liaison between Student Health and Counseling Services and the student body to promote communication and outreach
  • To review other current UCSF student health care issues

Duties of the Student Services Fee Advisory Committee Representative

  • To evaluate Student Services Fee-funded units and new Student Services Fee-funded proposals in order to make recommendations for allocations of the revenue generated by the Student Services Fee.
  • To ensure that the proposed Student Services Fee uses are in the best interests of the UCSF students and in compliance with existing policies and guidelines.
  • To evaluate the quality of student services and programs provided by units and recommend ways to improve them, if necessary.
  • To advise and provide information to the campus community, especially students, regarding student services and the committee’s work.

Duties of the Nursing Faculty Council Representatives

  • Act as a student representative regarding faculty in matters related to education and other issues of concern.
  • Review and approve courses for the Consent Calendar. 
  • Determine the required core or foundational courses for each program (i.e., MS, MEPN, DNP, PhD). 
  • Review curricular issues and concerns across program, department, school and institutional lines.
  • Plan, implement and evaluate the programs in the School of Nursing leading to graduate degrees
  • Consider implications of policies and program development on recruitment and retention of students in programs in the School of Nursing leading to graduate degrees
  • Develop guidelines for reviewing, implementing and/or discontinuing specialty areas
  • Communicate and consult with SON Education Policy Coordinating Council on matters affecting students across programs or when addressing issues that affect multiple program councils. 
  • Students are represented in each of these committees that serve the Nursing Faculty Council:
    • Faculty Practice Committee
      • Attend monthly FPC meetings, advocate for student interests, and report on relevant proceedings to the Executive Committee at ASSN board meetings. 
      • This committee focuses on the credentialing of faculty and oversees the annual Helen Martin Ceremony for outstanding preceptor. 
      • Also, develops faculty practice policies that articulate the integration of practice, service, education and research. 
      • Preference for a student representative from an NP and/or Midwifery program. 
    • Recruitment and Retention Committee:
      • Attend RRC meetings, advocate for student interests, and report on relevant proceedings to the Executive Committee at ASSN board meetings. 
      • This committee develops policy for attracting and retaining faculty and students from historically underrepresented groups.
    • Research Committee
      • Attend research committee meetings, advocate for student interests, and report on relevant proceedings to the Executive Committee at ASSN board meetings. 
      • This committee allocates intramural and extramural funding that is designated for use in funding individual research projects conducted by faculty; distributes and monitors the use of research money. 
      • Must be a PhD student.
    • PhD Program Council:
      • Attend program council meetings, advocate for student interests, and report on relevant proceedings to the Executive Committee at ASSN board meetings. 
      • The PhD program council reviews, revises and approves courses, admission policy guidelines, and the overall program. This committee usually meets once a month.
      • Must be a PhD student. 
    • DNP Program Council
      • Attend program council meetings, advocate for student interests, and report on relevant proceedings to the Executive Committee at ASSN board meetings.
      • The DNP program council reviews and approves courses and evaluates the DNP curriculum. These committees usually meet once a month.
      • Must be a DNP student.
    • Master’s Program Council
      • Attend program council meetings, advocate for student interests, and report on relevant proceedings to the Executive Committee at ASSN board meetings. 
      • The Master’s program council reviews and approves courses and evaluates the MS curriculum. This committee usually meets once a month.
      • Must be a Master's student.

Duties of the Specialty and Program Liaison

  • Reports back to ASSN, and the respective Program Council Representative, regarding specialty-specific concerns. Liaisons may also provide suggestions for future ASSN-sponsored events.
  • Liaisons are represented across these specialties and programs:
  • Adult Gerontology Clinical Nurse Specialist (Oncology and Critical Care Trauma)
  • Adult Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner
  • Adult Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner
  • Adult Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner - Occupational/Environmental Health Nursing
  • Certified Nurse Midwife
  • Family Nurse Practitioner
  • Health Policy and Public Health
  • Master’s Entry Program in Nursing
  • Neonatal Nurse Practitioner/Clinical Nurse Specialist
  • Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Acute Care
  • Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Primary Care
  • Psychiatric/Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
  • Social and Behavioral Sciences
  • Interprofessional Practice