
January 2, 2014
By Martha Ross
Science of Caring
With the move to family-centered care, UC San Francisco School of Nursing scholars study various ways to highlight the unique needs and contributions of fathers.
January 2, 2014
By Diana Austin
Science of Caring
Adult nurse practitioner and School of Nursing alum Carolyn Lee reminisces about a nursing career that is part of her family legacy with UC San Francisco and the health care professions.

Dean Vlahov was recently invited to join a collaborative discussion at the Institute of Medicine (IOM,, regarding the landmark report The Future of Nursing and a look ahead into this dynamic and ever…

December 13, 2013
By Kate Darby Rauch
Science of Caring
In honor of his wife – and of the nurses who cared for her during her yearlong battle with leukemia – Dean Anderson gives UC San Francisco School of Nursing a generous gift to train blood cancer nurses.
Dec. 1, 2013
By Martha Ross
Science of Caring
With the goal of improving patient care, UC San Francisco’s Center for Innovation in Interprofessional Education seeks ways for prospective nurses, doctors, dentists, pharmacists and physical therapists to learn and work together.