The School of Nursing is pleased to announce that Audrey Lyndon, RN, PhD, FAAN, will become Chair of the Department of Family Health Care Nursing (FHCN) as of August 1, 2017. After receiving her bachelor’s degree in Biology and Women's Studies, Audrey entered our UC San Francisco (UCSF) Master’s Entry Program in Nursing (MEPN) program, eventually becoming a Perinatal Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS). For the next ten years, she worked in a variety of clinical settings in the San Francisco Bay Area as well as in Maryland before eventually returning to UCSF for her PhD degree. Audrey was recruited to the UCSF School of Nursing as an assistant professor in 2007. Since that time, she has served as director of the perinatal CNS program and has taught numerous courses in both the MS and PhD programs in Nursing. She has been active in the Diversity In Action (DIVA) since 2012 and on many campus diversity-related committees. Over the last few years, Dr. Lyndon has successfully acquired funding for varied diversity initiatives in the School. During her time on faculty, she also has held concurrent positions with UCSF Health, providing training and safety to enhance quality improvement.
Lyndon is a fellow of the American Academy of Nursing and has received awards from the Association of Women's Health, Obstetric, and Neonatal Nurses for both her excellence in research as well as professional service. Her research program focuses on patient safety and quality in inpatient maternity and neonatal care, including work on obstetric hemorrhage and fetal heart monitoring. Her scientific and clinical expertise in perinatal safety has been recognized internationally through her work with the AHRQ Project on Postpartum Hemorrhage, the NIOSH Education and Research Center, the March of Dimes, the Medical Research Council of the United Kingdom, the Science Foundation of Ireland, and the Israel Science Foundation. Lyndon is currently Project Director for an AHRQ study on recognition of maternal clinical deterioration in the delivery room, and PI of an innovations grant on severe maternal morbidity and preterm birth, funded by UCSF's Preterm Birth Initiative.
In addition to her leadership of the perinatal CNS specialty, Lyndon has participated in UC-CORO systemwide leadership training, has served as vice chair of academic personnel for the FHCN Department, and has been chair of the Faculty Council for the School of Nursing. She also was co-chair of the first phase of the School's Fiscal Health Workgroup, during which they identified strategic priorities to guide the School in the coming years. These experiences, among others, provide an excellent foundation for her leadership as chair of the department.
Interim Dean Sandra Weiss expressed her gratitude to the search committee, led by Carol Dawson-Rose, RN, PhD, FAAN. Among other strengths they identified, the search committee noted Lyndon's sustained commitment to diversity, her clear vision for the department, and her open communication style. Interim Dean Weiss also expressed gratitude to Catherine Chesla, RN, PhD, FAAN, for her excellent stewardship of the FHCN department as interim chair. Noting specifically that “She has represented the department in superb fashion and has made invaluable contributions to the School as part of the leadership team.”
Join us in celebrating and congratulating our new FHCN Chair Audrey Lyndon!