By Katherine Tam
The UCSF School of Nursing has begun recruiting for its inaugural cohort of scholars under its new partnership with the National Clinician Scholars Program, with classes to begin in July 2020.
The NCSP is a two-year postdoctoral fellowship for nurses and physicians. The program will equip future health care leaders with the skills to reduce and eliminate health disparities in their communities, invent new models of clinical care delivery and inform policy.
The UCSF School of Nursing and School of Medicine joined the NCSP consortium earlier this year. The schools are working with local agencies and institutions to identify regional health challenges, and train scholars who are looking to address health disparities.
Scholars will take part in an innovative curriculum that includes community-based participatory research, implementation science, policy-oriented research and training in transforming health systems.
UCSF is one of six sites in the NCSP consortium. The other sites are UCLA, Yale, University of Pennsylvania, University of Michigan, Duke, and their affiliated Veterans Affairs Medical Centers.
Those interested in applying to the UCSF-NCSP program can visit the NCSP website and participate in a May 31 webinar for prospective nursing applicants (register here). An additional webinar that is open to all candidates will be held June 14 (register here). Interested applicants may also contact Susan Chapman, PhD, RN, professor at the UCSF School of Nursing and co-director of the NCSP program, at [email protected].