Thelma Shobe Endowed Lectureship in Ethics and Spirituality

Current Thelma Shobe Lectureships

14th Annual Thelma Shobe Lecture on Ethics, Spirituality and Health

  • Date: 12-1 p.m., May 7
  • Location: UCSF Library on Parnassus, Lange Room on the fifth floor
  • Speaker: This year's lecture, entitled "Art as a Key to Understanding Vulnerability," features Professor Emerita Eva Gjengedal, PhD, RN, from the Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care at the University of Bergen in Norway.
  • Registration information. A light lunch will be served.


Shobe Lecture Panel Discussion: Art as a Moral Source for Empathy, Imagination and Caring 

  • Date: 12-1:30 p.m., May 8
  • Location: UCSF Library on Parnassus, Lange Room on the fifth floor
  • Panel: Professor Emerita Eva Gjengedal, PhD, RN, from the Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care at the University of Bergen in Norway; Professor of Geriatrics Louise Aronson, MD, MFA, from the UCSF School of Medicine; and Professor Emerita Patricia Benner, PhD, RN, from the UCSF School of Nursing's Social and Behavioral Sciences. 
  • Registration information. A light lunch will be served.

Previous Thelma Shobe Lectureships


Shobe 2018: Tech Panel from UCSF ETS on Vimeo.

Shobe 2018: Lectureship from UCSF ETS on Vimeo.

Sister Nuala P. Kenny O.C., B.A., M.D., F.R.C.P.(C), "Belief in Technology: Challenges for Care and Justice"
April 24, 2018












Shobe 2017: Ruger from UCSF ETS on Vimeo.

Jennifer Prah Ruger, PhD, Msc, MSL, MA, "Health Equity and Justice in a Shifting Health System Landscape"
Amartya Sen Professor of Health Equity, Economics, and Policy
School of Social Policy and Practice
University of Pennsylvania









Cynda Hylton Rushton, PhD, RN, FAAN, "Moral Resilience: Individual Strategies for Addressing Moral Distress"
Berman Institute of Bioethics
School of Nursing at Johns Hopkins University





Alisia L. Carse, PhD, "Giving Conscience a Voice; Moral Distress and Constructive Moral Anger"
Associate Professor
Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University





Rev. Rita Nakashima Brock, PhD, "Religion and the Case for Women's Reproductive Freedom"
The Soul Repair Center
Brite Divinity School, Texas Christian University
Margaret Olivia Little, PhD, "Abortion, Conscience, and the Ethics of Provision"
Director and Professor
Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University


Shobe 2012: Frank from UCSF ETS on Vimeo.

Arthur Frank, PhD, "Sacred Stories as Companions to Pain, Suffering, and Care"
Professor Emeritus
University of Calgary


Shobe 2011: Dreyfus from UCSF ETS on Vimeo.

Hubert L. Dreyfus, PhD, "Shining in Practice: Meaning and Excellence in Health Care"
Philosopher and Professor
University of California, Berkeley


Shobe 2010: Taylor from UCSF ETS on Vimeo.

Carol Taylor, RN, MSN, PhD, "Living the 'Good' Life: Spirituality, Ethics, and Integrity"
Founding Member and Previous Director
Center for Clinical Bioethics, Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University


Shobe 2009: Shulman from UCSF ETS on Vimeo.

Lee S. Shulman "The Pedagogical Imperative in the Health Sciences: The Challenges of Professional Formation"
Educational Psychologist, Professor Emeritus, and Past President
Stanford Graduate School of Education
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching 


Shobe 2008: Sulmasy from UCSF ETS on Vimeo.

Daniel Sulmasy, OFM, MD, PhD, "Rediscovering the Joy of Practice"
Professor and Associate Director
Divinity School at University of Chicago
MacLean Center for Clinical Medical Ethics


Shobe 2007 from UCSF ETS on Vimeo.

Margaret E. Mohrmann, MD, PhD, "Spirituality, Ethics, Medicine: Uneasy Partners"
Professor and Director
University of Virginia
Program of Biomedical Ethics, Center for Biomedical Ethics and Humanities, UVA