Michelle Pero, director of academic affairs with the UCSF School of Nursing, will be leaving her position as of October 20 to join UCSF Human Resources (HR) team in the Labor Relations Specialty Center as a specialist. In her new role as Labor Relations Specialist, which begins in November, she will continue working with the larger UCSF community.
Pero has served as Director of Academic Affairs since 2010 working tirelessly on behalf of our faculty and the Dean’s Office to interpret and apply academic policy. Pero provided effective and consistent oversight on school-wide policy compliance for recruitments, searches, compensation, outside professional activities, and more. She has been a key player in our school collaborating with the faculty practice committee to ensure that faculty credentialing is up to date and adheres to requirements.
“She was instrumental in helping our faculty understand changes being made to APM 670, creatively assisting them by producing an outside professional activity guide. Michelle worked tirelessly as the school rewrote its compensation plan implementing procedures,” said Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Shari Dworkin. “She has provided consistent and high-level strategic guidance. We sincerely thank her for her outstanding work and wish her well in her new position.”
The UCSF School of Nursing appreciates her many contributions to our school and extends our best wishes for her continued success. The Vice Provost's office will be working with the School to develop coverage plans until a replacement is recruited.