The International Network for Doctoral Education in Nursing (INDEN)’s Global Leader in Doctoral Education Award recognizes an individual for their outstanding leadership, mentorship, and excellence in doctoral education in nursing and research. In recognition of Oi Saeng Hong’s steadfast influence and impact on doctoral education for nurses worldwide, the INDEN selected Oi Saeng Hong, RN, PhD, FAAN, as the winner of the 2017 Global Leader Award, and presented her the award during the 2017 INDEN’s biennial conference held immediately before the Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI) Nursing Research Congress, in Dublin, Ireland, July 26 - 27.
Her nominators highlight that Hong provided leadership by creating and strengthening international collaborations in doctoral nursing education and research training, and expanding the growth theme of globalization in nursing. She has mentored over 50 doctoral and postdoctoral students at six U.S. universities or research institutes, as well as in other countries, including Brazil, China, England, Japan, Hungry, Korea, Taiwan, and Thailand. Many of her former international students are now nursing faculty in their home countries, and carrying out their professional missions to advance nursing science through producing their own doctoral prepared nurses.
The INDEN honored Hong as an exceptional leader manifested by her many and diverse activities that encourage students to do their best, excel under adverse circumstances, and help them strategically plan for their future roles as nursing research and policy leaders. As this is the 20th anniversary of the INDEN, the award ceremony and anniversary evening reception with nurse leaders from all of the world were especially celebratory.