Teresa Scherzer, Lisa Shwartz Honored with Chancellor Diversity Award

Teresa Scherzer wins Diversity Award 2018

School of Nursing Academic Programs Evaluator Teresa Scherzer and student Lisa Shwartz were among the 10 recipients of this year's Chancellor Diversity Awards who were honored and recognized at an Oct. 25 luncheon.

Teresa Scherzer wins Diversity Award 2018

Scherzer received a 2018 UCSF Chancellor Diversity Award for her efforts to develop and support diversity and inclusion in UCSF organizations, notably as co-chair of SON’s Diversity in Action (DIVA) Committee and as a founding member of the staff association Stronger Together: Resources for Inclusion, Diversity & Excellence (STRIDE). She has brought change to SON through the incorporation of diversity and inclusion into course evaluations, the school’s climate study, and the implementation of the DIVA model – now required training for all SON faculty. Moreover, the HEALS model she has promoted is being adapted and adopted in other schools at UCSF and in other nursing schools across the country.

Shwartz received an award for her work in co-creating an inter-professional elective that gives students experience with individuals with disabilities who work as advocates, teachers and providers. She designed the syllabus and curriculum for the course to be accessible to learners with disabilities as possible.


Lisa Shwartz

You can read more about all the 2018 Chancellor Diversity Award winners here.