A special supplement of the American Journal of Public Health has been published that shines a light on public health in nursing and that has been co-led by the UCSF School of Nursing, Emory University Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing and University of Minnesota School of Nursing.
The first AJPH special supplement of its kind, the “Public Health Nursing After COVID-19: Strengthening, Rebuilding and Reimagining the System” publication celebrates nursing’s rich history in protecting, strengthening and advocating for public health.
The 120-page supplement features the UCSF School of Nursing’s “Difference is Power” mural on the front cover, and includes editorials, essays and research articles that spotlight nursing’s multifaceted role and crucial service across thought leadership, research, education and practice in the 21st century.
The supplement is a partnership among our School of Nursing, Johns Hopkins University, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Emory University, University of Texas, Austin and University of Minnesota.
The special edition is available online now and is fully open access with print copies arriving in mailboxes in July.