Attention faculty! The National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF) has approved the creation of a Simulation Special Interest Group (SIG). UC San Francisco School of Nursing faculty members Annette Carley and JoAnne Saxe and University of San Francisco faculty colleague Jo Loomis recently facilitated an armchair discussion at the 42nd Annual NONPF Meeting.
A petition with more than 80 signatures was generated following the session and submitted to NONPF leadership to create the Simulation SIG. It is expected that this SIG can support efforts to develop, implement, research and advocate for the use of simulation more fully in nursing education.
Please join our efforts in establishing the SIG by registering at this link:
All NONPF SIGs are paid member groups and can be added to NONPF membership renewal; individual SIG membership is $15 and will run on the same cycle as NONPF membership (September 1 – August 31).
Any SIGs that are joined now will be carried through to the next membership cycle, expiring on 8/31/17. Please consider joining now!
For additional information, contact Annette Carley ([email protected]) or JoAnne Saxe ([email protected])