Leadership in Action: Alumni, Faculty, Staff and Student Milestones
UCSF School of Nursing faculty, staff, students and alumni are leading initiatives to build healthier communities.
Ifeyinwa Asiodu Appointed to NASEM Committee
Ifeyinwa Asiodu, PhD, RN, FAAN, associate professor in Family Health Care Nursing, has been appointed to the National Academies of Sciences Engineering and Medicine’s Committee on Developing a Framework to Address Legal, Ethical, Regulatory and Policy Issues for Research Specific to Pregnant and Lactating Persons. This committee will develop recommendations for safely and ethically including pregnant and lactating persons in clinical research that substantially mitigates or avoids incurring liability.

Jerry John Nutor Named Sigma Liaison to UN
Jerry John Nutor, PhD, RN, assistant professor in Family Health Care Nursing, has been appointed to serve as Sigma Theta Tau International’s liaison to the United Nations. The position is central to Sigma’s goal of “developing nurse leaders anywhere to improve health care everywhere.”
Jose Gutierrez Named Diversity Scholar
Jose Gutierrez, PhD, MS, assistant professor in Family Health Care Nursing, has been selected as a 2023 Diversity Scholar by the UCSF AIDS Research Institute and Center for AIDS Research. The award will support his ongoing work centered on designing and implementing equitable HIV treatment and prevention research among historically excluded populations whose health needs are impacted by restrictive health policy or health systems.

Jian Zhang Named Woman of the Year
Jian Zhang, DNP, MS ’92, FAAN, a volunteer clinical professor in Family Health Care Nursing, has been named "Woman of the Year." State Assemblyman Matt Haney awarded the honor to her on March 17, in recognition of her work to address gaps in health care services for San Francisco's Asian community, particularly during the pandemic and amid a rise in Asian hate crimes.
Zhang is the CEO of Chinese Hospital in San Francisco's Chinatown, and mobilized health and safety practices in 2020 at the start of the pandemic to successfully prevent a COVID-19 outbreak in the densely populated district. Learn more about Zhang's work in this Science of Caring article.
Alumna Eun-Ok Im Selected as Helen Nahm Research Lecture Award Recipient
Alumna Eun-Ok Im, PhD, RN, FAAN, is the recipient of the school's 2023 Helen Nahm Research Lecture Award in honor of her outstanding contributions to nursing science and research.
Im is a professor and Edith Folsom Honeycutt Endowed Chair at Emory University, Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing. Her most outstanding contribution to nursing is a research program that adopts internet, computer and mobile technologies to eliminate gender and ethnic disparities in midlife women's health issues.
The lecture will be hosted on May 25, 1 p.m., at the UCSF Parnassus campus. Register.

Sandra Staveski Co-Chairs Nursing Track at World Congress, Academy
Sandra Staveski, PhD, RN, FAAN, associate professor in Family Health Care Nursing, is co-chairing the nursing track for the 8th World Congress of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery, which will be held Aug. 27-Sept. 1 in Washington D.C. In addition, she is also co-chairing the Nursing Congenital Heart Academy that will be held alongside the congress. She will be serving dual roles as a speaker and moderator at both the academy and the congress.
Celebrating Preceptors
Edward Liu, January Preceptor
Edward Liu, MS, NP-BC, is the January 2023 Preceptor of the Month. An alumnus and primary care nurse practitioner at ZSFGH Richard Fine People’s Clinic, Liu has been precepting for the Adult Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner specialty since 2018, including through the pandemic and even taking students during the summer sessions without break. Faculty note that Liu has high expectations for students, which spurs them to do their best.

Dan McGuire, February Preceptor
Dan McGuire, MS, ACNP-BC, is the February 2023 Preceptor of the Month. A graduate of the Master of Science program in the Adult Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner (AGACNP) specialty, McGuire works at San Francisco General Hospital on the in-patient neurosurgery service, with a focus on traumatic brain injury and spinal cord injury.
“I’m extremely thankful for all the preceptors I’ve had along my educational journey and am honored to precept AGACNP students now,” McGuire said. “I enjoy working with them to develop and refine new clinical skills and assist in their transition to their new role as providers.”

Andres Marin, March Preceptor
Andres Marin, MD, is the March Preceptor of the Month. A family physician who graduated from the UCSF School of Medicine, Marin has a clinical practice at La Clinica at the Fruitvale Transit Village in East Oakland and is an attending physician at the Family Health Center at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital. Marin has been a committed, compassionate and inspirational preceptor in the Family Nurse Practitioner specialty for nine years.
"I enjoy working with students because they bring innovation and creativity to medicine and patient encounters, remaining sensitive to social determinants of health while validating and prioritizing patient values,” Marin said.
Read more about Liu, McGuire and Marin, including students’ comments, on the Preceptor Portal.

Faculty and Specialty Capture New Funding
Katerina Melino, MS, NP, assistant professor in Community Health Systems, received a $2.6 million grant from the California Department of Health Access and Information for her project "Psychiatric Education Capacity Expansion (PECE)."
Janet Shim, PhD, professor in Social & Behavioral Sciences, received a $15,401 award from Columbia University for her project "Diversity in Practice: The Quest for Inclusion in Precision Medicine."
Jarmin Yeh, PhD, MPH, MSSW, assistant professor in the Institute for Health and Aging (IHA), received a grant in the amount of $798,873 from the California Department of Public Health for her project "Replicating the IHSS + ADRD Training Project: Reducing the Social and Economic Impacts of Caregiving for Older Adults with ADRD in the IHSS System Through Training."
Two SON faculty members are members of the teams that have been awarded 2022-2023 Clinical Nursing Research grants, a program sponsored by the school and the UCSF Health Center for Nursing Excellence and Innovation to support clinically meaningful research studies. Soo-Jeong Lee, PhD, RN, FAAOHN, associate professor in Community Health Systems, is part of the team working on the project “Feasibility And Efficacy Of Enhanced Stress Resilience Training (ESRT) For Psychosocial And Occupational Wellbeing Of Critical Care Nurses." Christine Miaskowski, PhD, RN, FAAN, professor in Physiological Nursing, is part of the team working on the project “Identification of Subgroups of Oncology Patients with Distinct Difficult Intravenous Access (DIVA) Profiles and Associated Risk Factors."
The Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP) specialty has been awarded a $2.6 million contract by the California Department of Health Care Access and Information. This agreement will support increased enrollment of PMHNP degree students, additional faculty effort and expansion of clinical placements. The grant was written by Kate Melino, MS, PMHNP, who is the grant project director, and Beth Phoenix, PhD, RN, FAAN.
In the News
Laura Wagner, PhD, RN, FAAN, professor in Community Health Systems, was interviewed by Larry Mantle on AirTalk, a news show on LA KPCC public radio NPR affiliate, on March 14 about the nursing shortage and how California can support the workforce. Listen to the segment.
Glenn-Milo Santos, PhD, MPH, and his recent study on naltrexone were featured in The New York Times’ Feb. 14 article “Binge Drinking May Be Curbed With a Pill,” the SF Standard’s Feb. 2 article "New Treatment Can Help Drinkers Cut Back Before It's a Problem" as well as its Jan. 20 article “Who Drinks and Smokes the Most in the Bay Area? These Maps Show the Hotspots.”
Stacy Torres, PhD, and her research on the power of gossip was cited in Success’ Jan. 25 article “A Deep Dive Into the Positive and Negative Impacts of Gossip.” Torres was also featured in UCSF Magazine’s winter 2023 edition in the article “This Must Be the Place: Learning to Make a Home in the World at Every Age.”
Kristen Harknett, PhD, and her work as co-director of The Shift Project were prominently featured in Fast Company’s Jan. 22 article “Why Schedule Sanity is Workers’ New Fight for $15.”
Charlene Harrington, PhD, RN, FAAN, was quoted in MarketWatch’s Jan. 19 article “At One of the Nation’s Largest Nursing Homes, Impending Transfer of Residents Puts Them at Risk, Advocates Say.”
Bridget Gramkowski, MS, PNP, was featured in the January edition of the UCSF PIPEline newsletter for her efforts to develop telehealth curriculum and training for interprofessional students.
Kate Melino, MS, PMHNP, was featured in the American Psychiatric Nurses Association's article “New Research: PMHNP Programs and Psychotherapeutic Skills.”
Faculty Presentations
Miranda Surjadi Presents on Hep C Treatment
Miranda Surjadi, MS, RN, ANP, was a featured speaker at the California Association for Nurse Practitioners’ Feb. 15 business meeting and educational event. Surjadi’s talk focused on hepatitis C treatment.

Soo-Jeong Lee Presents on Occupational Health
Soo-Jeong Lee, PhD, RN, ANP, associate professor in Community Health Systems, presented or co-presented three posters at the UCSF Occupational and Environmental Medicine Conference from March 9-11. The first poster was “Use of Mobile Computer Carts and Musculoskeletal Pain Among Nurses.”
In addition, she presented two additional posters with others: “Association Between Patient Mobility Assessment Tools and Lift Use among Nurses in the Inpatient Setting” with student Michael Joshua Morales, and "Impact of In-Home Repair Services on Physical and Mental Harm Among Essential Workers: The Mediating Effect of Fear and Moderating Effect of Types of Employment” with visiting scholar Jeehyun Hwang. Student Sangeeta Agarawal also presented two posters.

KT Waxman Presents on Implicit Bias Simulation Scenarios
KT Waxman, DNP, RN, FAAN, professor in Community Health Systems, presented a workshop and podium presentation at the International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare in Orlando from Jan. 21-25. The topic was “Implicit Bias Simulation Scenarios: Concepts, Frameworks, Barriers and Challenges.”

Lauren Hunt Presents on Hospice Care
Lauren Hunt, PhD, FNP, assistant professor in Physiological Nursing, led the presentation “Dying With Dementia: Economic, Regulatory and Social Forces Shaping Hospice Care Today” on Jan. 18. The talk was organized by the Hopkins’ Economics of Alzheimer’s Disease & Services Center at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

How Artificial Intelligence Could Change Psychotherapy — Andrew Penn, MS, NP, March 15, 2023
Provider Implicit and Explicit Bias in Person-Centered Maternity Care: A Cross-Sectional Study With Maternity Providers in Northern Ghana — Jerry John Nutor, PhD, RN, March 14, 2023
The Influence of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Physical, Social and Mental Health of Black and Latinx Young People With HIV in the United States — Orlando Harris, PhD, MPH, FAAN, March 13, 2023
SB159 Implementation: California Pharmacists' Perspectives on Opportunities and Challenges — Orlando Harris, PhD, MPH, FAAN, March 7, 2023
Towards a New (or Rearticulated) Philosophy of Mental Health Nursing: A Dialogue-On-Dialogue — Katerina Melino, MS, RN, NP, March 10, 2023
An Annotated Ventricular Tachycardia (VT) Alarm Database: Toward A Uniform Standard For Optimizing Automated VT Identification In Hospitalized Patients — Michele Pelter, PhD, RN, Claire Sommargren, PhD, RN, Fabio Badilini, PhD, March 9, 2023
COVID-19 Vaccination Willingness and Uptake Among Rural Black/African American, Latino and White Adults — Anita Stewart, PhD, March 2, 2023
Stressors in Health Care and Their Association to Symptoms Experienced by Gender Diverse People — Annesa Flentje, PhD, Carol Dawson-Rose, PhD, RN, FAAN, Sandra Weiss, PhD, RN, FAAN, March 1, 2023
Evaluating a Behavioral Response Team in an Acute Care Hospital — Peterson Pierre, DNP, RN, March 2023
Designing for Two: How Enhancing Human-Centered Design With Behavioral Nudges Unlocked Breakthroughs to Promote Young Women's Psychological Safety and Access to Reproductive Care in Tanzania — Jenny Liu, PhD, MPP, MA, March 2023
Letter to the Editor about Kaiser Health News article regarding misleading information on the quality of NP and physician assistant care — Joanne Spetz, PhD, FAAN, Ulrike Muench, PhD, RN, FAAN, Feb. 27, 2023
Building Back Better: Going Big with Emancipatory Sciences — Carroll Estes, PhD, FAAN, Nicholas DiCarlo, MSW, LCSW, Jarmin Yeh, PhD, MPH, MSSW, Feb. 27, 2023
Challenges and Opportunities for Medical Referrals at a Mobile Community Health Clinic Serving Sexual and Gender Minorities in Rural South Carolina: A Qualitative Approach — Orlando Harris, PhD, MPH, FAAN, Feb. 17, 2023
Quality of Life Among Colorectal Cancer Survivors Participating in a Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial of a Web-Based Dietary Intervention With Text Messages — Christine Miaskowski, PhD, RN, FAAN, Yoshimi Fukuoka, PhD, RN, FAAN, Feb. 10, 2023
The Effect of COVID-19 on Workplace Violence in California's Hospitals: An Interrupted Time Series Analysis — Rachel Odes, PhD, RN, Soo-Jeong Lee, PhD, RN, ANP, Oi Saeng Hong, PhD, RN, FAAN, Feb. 10, 2023
Technical Note-In Situ Laminotomy: Preserving Posterior Tension Band in Surgery of Pediatric Multilevel Spinal Tumor — Carolina Noya, PhD, FNP, Feb. 9, 2023
Privacy, Bias and the Clinical Use of Facial Recognition Technology: A Survey of Genetics Professionals — Julia Brown, PhD, Feb. 7, 2023
Experiences of Preconception Counseling among Pregnant Women with Preexisting Diabetes: Opportunities to Improve Patient-Centered Care — Erin Hubbard, MPH, Feb. 7, 2023
Basic Emergency Care Course and Longitudinal Mentorship Completed In A Rural Neno District, Malawi: A Feasibility, Acceptability and Impact Study — Kimberly Baltzell, PhD, RN, Feb. 6, 2023
My Path to Academia Was Like a Hollywood Story. But Becoming a Professor Shouldn’t Take Miracles — Stacy Torres, PhD, Feb. 5, 2023
Understanding the Concept of Trust and Other Factors Related to COVID-19 Vaccine Intentions Among Black/African American Older Adults Prior to Vaccine Development — Orlando Harris, PhD, MPH, FAAN, Julene Johnson, PhD, Sahru Keiser, MPH, Thi Tran (not pictured), Leah Vest (not pictured), Elena Portacolone, PhD, MBA, MPH, Feb. 4, 2023
Our Pride, Our Joy: An Intersectional Constructivist Grounded Theory Analysis of Resources That Promote Resilience in SGM Communities — Annesa Flentje, PhD, Feb. 3, 2023
Association of Post-Stroke Fatigue With Physical Activity and Physical Fitness: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis — Caryl Gay, PhD, Feb. 3, 2023
What Good is an Ultrasound Machine Without a Skilled Provider to Use It? — Kimberly Baltzell, PhD, RN, Feb. 2, 2023
Preference-Aligned Fertility Management as a Person-Centered Alternative to Contraceptive Use-Focused Measures — Sneha Challa, PhD, MPH, Jenny Liu, PhD, MPP, MA, Feb. 1, 2023
Analyzing Fast and Slow: Combining Traditional and Rapid Qualitative Analysis to Meet Multiple Objectives of a Complex Transnational Study — Lauren Suchman, PhD, Janelli Vallin, MSc, Erica Sedlander, DrPH, MPH (not pictured), Rachel Granovsky (not pictured), Feb. 1, 2023
Chapter 8: The Theory of Symptom Management (describing the UCSF Symptom Management Model), Middle Range Theory for Nursing, fifth edition — Sandra Weiss, PhD, RN, FAAN, Linda Franck, PhD, RN, FAAN, Heather Leutwyler, PhD, RN, Carol Dawson-Rose, PhD, RN, FAAN, Margaret Wallhagen, PhD, RN, FAAN, Sandra Staveski, PhD, RN, FAAN, Kord Kober, PhD, Christine Miaskowski, PhD, RN, FAAN, February 2023
FirstGenRN: A Career Development Program Aimed at First-Generation College Nursing Students in California — Laura Wagner, PhD, RN, FAAN, February 2023
New Horizons in Holistic, Person-Centred Health Promotion For Hearing Healthcare — Margaret Wallhagen, PhD, RN, FAAN, February 2023
Association of Occupational Stress With Tinnitus Among Career Firefighters in the United States — Rachel Odes, PhD, RN, Dal Lae Chin, PhD, RN (not pictured), Oi Saeng Hong, PhD, RN, FAAN, February 2023