Leadership in Action: Alumni, Faculty, Staff and Student Milestones
UCSF School of Nursing faculty, staff, postdocs, students and alumni are leading projects that advance innovative and compassionate care.
Jyu-Lin Chen Will Be Inducted into Sigma Hall of Fame
Jyu-Lin Chen, PhD, RN, FAAN, professor and chair of Family Health Care Nursing, will be inducted into Sigma Theta Tau’s 2023 International Nurse Researcher Hall of Fame. The prestigious award recognizes nurses who have achieved significant and sustained national or international recognition and whose research has improved the profession of nursing and the people it serves.
Chen is one of 22 world-renowned nurse researchers who will be inducted at Sigma’s 34th International Nursing Research Congress in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, this July.

Jerry John Nutor Awarded CFAR Early Career Award
Jerry John Nutor, PhD, RN, assistant professor in Family Health Care Nursing, is the recipient of the 2023 Early Career Award for Excellence in Socio-Behavioral Research from the UCSF Bay Area Center for AIDS Research. This award was established to honor the organization’s outstanding HIV early-career investigators. Nutor received the award and presented a lecture during a ceremony on May 3.
Lisa Mihaly Honored with Cooke Award
Lisa Mihaly, MS, RN, FNP, associate professor in Family Health Care Nursing, and her colleagues are the recipients of the Cooke Award for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning from the UCSF Center for Faculty Educators. The award recognizes outstanding scholarly works that were presented at UCSF’s annual Education Showcase.

Beth Phoenix, Mary Ann Nihart Honored for Excellence in Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing
Beth Phoenix, PhD, RN, FAAN, professor in Community Health Systems, will be honored with the 2023 Psychiatric Nurse of the Year Award from the American Psychiatric Nurses Association (APNA).

In addition, Mary Ann Nihart, MA, PMHCNS-BC, PMHNP-BC, a volunteer associate clinical professor in Community Health Systems, will receive the 2023 APNA Award for Distinguished Service.
Phoenix and Nihart are two of seven APNA award recipients being recognized this year for their outstanding work. They will be honored at APNA's conference, Oct. 4-7.
Charlene Harrington Honored for Continued Scholarly Work, Service
Charlene Harrington, PhD, RN, FAAN, professor emerita in Social and Behavioral Sciences, is the recipient of the 2022-2023 Constantine Panunzio Distinguished Emeriti Award. This award is presented annually to one or more emeriti to honor outstanding scholarly work or educational service they’ve performed since their retirement.
Harrington, who retired in 2008, continues to conduct research, teach, mentor students and scholars, testify before state and federal agencies and commissions, and serve as a public advocate for nursing home quality of care and staffing.

Mary Massella Hernandez Named 2023 Mother of the Year
Mary Massella Hernandez, MS, RN, FNP, assistant professor in Family Health Care Nursing, has been selected as the city of Oakland’s 2023 Mother of the Year, and was recognized at a May 13 ceremony. Since 1954, the award has been given to an Oakland citizen whose contributions symbolize the finest traditions of motherhood.
Jian Zhang Leads New Collaborative Agreement Between Chinese Hospital and UCSF Health
Chinese Hospital and UCSF Health have signed a collaborative agreement to enhance the quality of health care in the San Francisco community. Jian Zhang, DNP, MS ’92, FAAN, a volunteer clinical professor in Family Health Care Nursing and chief executive officer of Chinese Hospital, is leading the collaboration. The agreement builds upon a three-year-long partnership that successfully developed a primary stroke center, which was certified by The Joint Commission in May 2022. Together, they also provided palliative care and COVID-19 care to the community.
The new agreement aims to expand on the existing collaboration by combining the strengths and resources of both organizations. Specifically, it focuses on providing culturally and linguistically appropriate services in Chinese, such as the new stroke center at Chinese Hospital. Read the full story on the UCSF News website.

Celebrating Preceptors
Adrienne Franzese, April Preceptor
Adrienne Franzese, PMHNP, is the school’s April Preceptor of the Month. Franzese practices at the Progress Foundation in San Francisco and has been precepting for the PMHNP specialty for more than 10 years. PMHNP faculty praise her for being a remarkable, supportive preceptor who has worked with learners across different clinical settings, always remaining student-centered and dedicated to student success.
Student Alessia Alta said, “Adrienne is a wonderful preceptor! She really has a passion for teaching and has gone above and beyond to help deepen my understanding.”
Read more about Franzese, including students’ comments, on the Preceptor Portal.
Faculty and Postdocs Capture New Funding
- Abbey Alkon, PhD, RN, FAAN, professor in Family Health Care Nursing, received a $150,000 award from the Heising-Simons Foundation for her project "California's Early Care and Education Health and Safety."
- Kim Dau, MS, CNM, professor in Family Health Care Nursing, received a $144,000 award from the California Department of Health Care Access and Information for her project "University Nurse-Midwifery Education Program."
- Elizabeth Gatewood, DNP, FNP, FAAN, associate professor in Family Health Care Nursing, received a $168,000 award from the California Department of Health Care Access and Information to support the Master of Science program, Family Nurse Practitioner specialty.
- Sarah Gutin, PhD, assistant professor in Community Health Systems, received a $168,350 grant from the NIH National Institute of Mental Health for her project "Couples Advancing Together for Safer Conception."
- Jenny Liu, PhD, MPP, associate professor in the Institute for Health and Aging (IHA), received a $87,895 grant supplement from NIH National Institute of Mental Health for her project "AmbassADDOrs for Health: Supporting young women's health through girl-friendly drug vendors."
- Daniel Suárez-Baquero, PhD, postdoctoral scholar, received a $5,000 award from Sigma Theta Tau for his project "Nursing Epistemologies from the South: Expansion and Emancipation of the Core Disciplinary Nursing Knowledge from Latino America."
- Sandra Staveski, PhD, CPNP-AC,FAAN, associate professor in Family Health Care Nursing, and Rebecca Silvers, DNP, ACPNP, assistant clinical professor, received a $4,958 award from Sigma Theta Tau for their project "A Global Survey on Pediatric Cardiac Critical Care Nurse Education and Training from Nursing School to Bedside Care."
- Margaret Wallhagen, PhD, RN, FAAN, professor in Physiological Nursing, received a $28,287.50 grant supplement from the Department of Veterans Affairs for her project "VAQS Nurse Senior Scholar."
- Three SON experts have been awarded Innovation Funding from the Haile T. Debas Academy of Medical Educators to advance educational excellence. Ana Delgado, MS, CNM, volunteer faculty in Family Health Care Nursing, is part of the team developing “A Relational Approach to Simulation Training to Improve Team Dynamics and Teach Collaborative Competencies on the Labor and Delivery Unit: A Pilot Study.” Karen de Sola-Smith, PhD, postdoctoral fellow, is part of the team developing “UCSF Arts and Humanities Journal for Health Professional Students.” Lisa Mihaly, NP, associate professor in Family Health Care Nursing, is part of the team that received funding for the project “Enhancing Pediatric Providers' Competency in Providing Medication Abortions to Adolescents and Young Adults in an Era of Increasingly Restrictive Abortion Policy.”
In the News
- A paper authored by Renee Mehra, PhD, was cited in The New York Times’ May 6 article “Unwanted Epidurals, Untreated Pain: Black Women Tell Their Birth Stories.”
- Asmara Gebre, MS, CNM, alumna of the School of Nursing, and Nikki Lanshaw, MPH, project director for the ACTIONS program, were quoted in the Claremont Courier’s May 4 article “‘It’s a Beautiful Morning to Change the World’: Black Midwifery Conference Inspires.” The article also names Monica McLemore, PhD, MPH, RN, associate adjunct professor.
- Stacy Torres, PhD, was quoted in SFGate's April 27 article "Replika Wanted to End Loneliness With a Lurid AI Bot. Then Its Users Revolted."
- A recent paper on targeted naltrexone by Glenn-Milo Santos, PhD, MPH, and his colleagues was profiled in the Addiction Medicine Journal Club’s April 10 podcast.
- Kristen Harknett, PhD, was among the experts quoted in The Atlantic's March 27 article "The Catch 22 for Working Parents."
- Glenn-Milo Santos, PhD, MPH, and his research were featured in KCRW’s March 27 article “Excessive Drinking Could Be Stopped With the Pill Naltrexone.”
- Jyesha Wren, MS, CNM, who is an alumna and preceptor with the school and co-founder of BElovedBIRTH Black Centering in Oakland, was the featured guest in KQED’s March 17 segment “Alameda County’s Answer to Black Maternal Mortality is Working.”
- Community Engagement in Precision Medicine Research: Organizational Practices and Their Impacts for Equity — Janet Shim, PhD, Nicole Foti, BS (student), Melanie Jeske, PhD (alumna), May 1, 2023
- Electrocardiographic Waveform Abnormalities in Patients With Structural Heart Disease — Michele Pelter, PhD, RN, Sukardi Suba, PhD (alumnus), May 1, 2023
- Researching Through Loss — Stacy Torres, PhD, Brittney Pond, BA, May 1, 2023
- Postpartum Family Planning in Pediatrics: A Survey of Parental Contraceptive Needs and Health Services Preferences — Linda Franck, PhD, RN, FAAN, May 2023
- Advocating for the Vulnerable: The Clinical Nurse Specialist and Nursing Home Reform — Charlene Harrington, PhD, RN, FAAN, May 2023
- Changes in Grit and Psychological Capital at the time of Major Crisis: Nursing Students’ Perseverance, Resources and Resilience — Marianne Biangone, PhD, RN, April 27, 2023
- 2023 ACC/AHA/SCAI Advanced Training Statement on Interventional Cardiology (Coronary, Peripheral Vascular and Structural Heart Interventions): A Report of the ACC Competency Management Committee — Linda Park, PhD, NP, FAAN, April 26, 2023
- Review of Databases for Experimentally Validated Human MicroRNA–mRNA Interactions — Dorian Kariuki, BS, Kimberly Lewis, PhD, RN, Elena Flowers, PhD, RN, FAAN, April 25, 2023
- Sleep Symptoms Signaling the Menopausal Transition — Catherine Gilliss, PhD, RN, FAAN, Kathryn Lee, PhD, RN, FAAN, April 24, 2023
- An Evaluation of the Multifactorial Model of Cancer-Related Cognitive Impairment — Kate Oppegaard, MS, RN, Kord Kober, PhD, Steven Paul, PhD, Bruce Cooper, PhD, Christine Miaskowski, PhD, RN, FAAN, April 24, 2023
- Barriers and Facilitators of Psychological Help-Seeking Behaviors for Perinatal Women With Depressive Symptoms: A Qualitative Systematic Review Based on the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research — Lisa Lommel, PhD, RN, FNP, April 21, 2023
- Big Data in Oncology Nursing Research: State of the Science — Carolyn Harris, PhD, RN, Kord Kober, PhD, Christine Miaskowski, PhD, RN, FAAN, April 19, 2023
- Advanced Practice Clinician Care and End-Of-Life Outcomes for Community- and Nursing Home-Dwelling Medicare Beneficiaries With Dementia — Ulrike Muench, PhD, RN, FAAN, April 18, 2023
- Identification and Susceptibility Testing of Oral Candidiasis in Advanced Cancer Patients — Caryl Gay, PhD, April 18, 2023
- Direct Care Workers Are the Foundation of a Dementia-Capable Workforce — Laura Wagner, PhD, RN, FAAN, April 12, 2023
- Private Equity and Nursing Home Care: What Policies Can Be Adopted to Address the Growing Problems? — Charlene Harrington, PhD, RN, FAAN, April 6, 2023
- Review of Major Social Determinants of Health in Schizophrenia-Spectrum Psychotic Disorders: I. Clinical Outcomes — Heather Leutwyler, PhD, RN, April 6, 2023
- A Focused Screening and Clinical Intervention With Streamlined Outpatient Linkage for Hospitalized Patients With Opioid Use Disorder Experiencing Homelessness — Matt Tierney, MS, FAAN, April 6, 2023
- A WeChat-based Intervention, Wellness Enhancement for Caregivers (WECARE), for Chinese American Dementia Caregivers: Pilot Assessment of Feasibility, Acceptability and Preliminary Efficacy — Van Ta Park, PhD, MPH, April 5, 2023
- Hospice Quality, Race and Disenrollment in Hospice Enrollees With Dementia — Lauren Hunt, PhD, RN, FNP-BC, Jennifer James, PhD, MSW, April 3, 2023
- Emergency Care in Post-Conflict Settings: A Systematic Literature Review — Tracy Lin, PhD, April 1, 2023
- Helping Patients With Substance Use Disorder: The Nurse Practitioner Role in Access to Treatment — John Bressan, NP, April 1, 2023
- Using Digital Phenotyping to Understand Health-Related Outcomes: A Scoping Review — Maria Yefimova, PhD, RN, April 2023
- Organizationally Minded Nursing Leadership — Catherine Gilliss, PhD, RN, FAAN, April 2023
- Increasing Understanding and Perceived Confidence of Nurses Working in an Emergency Department in Assessing Patients at Risk of Violent Behavior — Blossom Inuenwi, DNP, RN, ACNS-BC, Lisa Lommel, PhD, RN, FNP, Annette Carley, DNP, RN, April 2023