By Jyu-Lin Chen, Jill Howie-Esquivel, OiSaeng Hong, Susan Chapman and Mary Foley
When five faculty members from a newly established Center for Global Health attended the International Council of Nurses and Council of National Nursing Association Representatives conference in Seoul, South Korea, they came away with a renewed sense of how good global health depends on nurses becoming true global citizens.
Mary Naylor – a national leader in transitional care for chronically ill older adults – is the UCSF Presidential Chair for 2015-2016. We spoke with her about her work, the role of transitional care in health care reform and how she plans to use her time at UCSF.
When she joined the UC San Francisco School of Nursing late last year, Stella Aguinaga Bialous brought an impressive résumé as a tobacco researcher, policy expert and nursing scholar.
Researchers and graduates from the Occupational and Environmental Health Nursing program at UC San Francisco School of Nursing are demonstrating the power of an often-misunderstood specialty to have a dramatic impact on population health.
Professor Emerita Barbara Resnik founded the School’s Occupational and Environmental Health Nursing program and has seen it grow into one of the finest of its kind in the nation.
Residency program gives pre-licensure MEPN students invaluable early experience while deepening UC San Francisco’s working relationship with the Veterans Health Administration.
Suzanne Bakken (PhD, ’89) has been a leader in using informatics to improve care and reduce health disparities. Her current work wrestles with how to use technological trends – from big data to mobile technology – to further improve the health of the underserved.
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About Science of Caring
Science of Caring is an online publication from one of the nations top nursing schools, UCSF School of Nursing. We feature stories about important health care issues and themes from the perspectives of UCSF nurse experts. Our goal is to share how communities are affected by our nurses, how the profession is served, and how our students grow and become leaders in the field.