Leadership in Action: Alumni, Faculty, Staff and Student Milestones
Faculty, staff, students and alumni of the UCSF School of Nursing are pushing the boundaries of nursing science to improve health and health care.
Four to be Inducted as AAN Fellows
Four UCSF School of Nursing members will be inducted into the American Academy of Nursing's 2023 Class of Fellows - Soo-Jeong Lee, PhD, RN, FAAOHN, associate professor; Heather Leutwyler, PhD, RN, CNS, professor; Jerry John Nutor, PhD, RN, assistant professor; Rajashree Koppolu, MS, MSL, CPNP-PC/AC, an alumna and volunteer faculty member.
The honor recognizes distinguished nurse leaders for their significant contributions to health and health care. They are among 253 nurses who make up the 2023 fellows, and will be inducted at the academy’s annual conference from Oct. 5-7 in Washington D.C. This year’s conference will also commemorate the American Academy of Nursing’s 50th anniversary.

Celebrating the Class of 2023
Enthusiastic applause echoed throughout Herbst Theatre on June 12 as Chancellor Sam Hawgood conferred degrees on 189 master’s and doctoral graduates at the School of Nursing Commencement. An additional 13 nurses received post-master’s certificates in advanced specialties.
Relive the day through our commencement story and photo slideshow.

Fabio Badilini Selected as Board President
Fabio Badilini, PhD, professor in Physiological Nursing and director of the Center for Physiologic Research, has been elected to serve as president of the Board of Directors for the International Society of Computerized Electrocardiology for 2023-2024. Established in 1984, the non-profit organization advances electrocardiology through the application of computer methods.
Lauren Hunt Honored for Outstanding Research Manuscript
Lauren Hunt, PhD, RN, assistant professor in Physiological Nursing, is the recipient of the Outstanding Junior Research Manuscript Award from the American Geriatrics Society for her October 2022 study “A National Study of Disenrollment From Hospice Among People With Dementia." The award recognizes novelty, methodological rigor, clarity of presentation, and potential to influence geriatrics practice, policy or future research.

Kimberly Baltzell Awarded for Work in Maternal, Neonatal Health
Global Action in Nursing (GAIN), which was founded and is directed by Kimberly Baltzell, PhD, RN, professor in Family Health Care Nursing, is the recipient of the Global Citizen Award from GAIA. GAIN has partnered with GAIA Global Health in Malawi since 2019 to improve access to high-quality nursing and midwifery care.
Catherine Dodd Honored With DAISY Nurse Leader Award in Policy
Alumna Catherine Dodd, PhD, RN, FAAN, is a recipient of the 2023 DAISY Nurse Leader Award in Policy from HealthImpact and The DAISY Foundation. Dodd is one of five awardees selected by a national panel of health care policy experts, and is being honored for her lifetime of policy work in bringing the nursing voice to many critical issues.

CARE Registry Celebrates 10,000 Enrollees
Van Park, PhD, MPH, professor in Community Health Systems, and her team are celebrating a major milestone: achieving 10,000 Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander adults enrolled in the CARE registry.
Watch a video honoring this accomplishment. The video features remarks from journalist Lisa Ling, actress Christina Chang, anchor Richard Lui and the registry's 10,000th participant.
Celebrating Preceptors
Veronica Fuata, May Preceptor
Veronica Fuata, PNP, a clinician at the Children’s Health Center at Zuckerberg San Francisco General, is the school's May Preceptor of the Month. In her many years precepting Pediatric Nurse Practitioner-Primary Care (PNP-PC) students, she has created a safe and supportive learning environment. She continually fosters a growth mindset and challenges students’ clinical reasoning. PNP-PC student Kalmia Beets said: “Each day she pushes me to think critically, go outside of my comfort zone and develop my own style as a practitioner."

Claire Parker and Elizabeth Colglazier, June Preceptors
Claire Parker, MS, CPNP-AC, and Elizabeth Colglazier, MS, PNP-AC, are the school's June Preceptors of the Month. Part of Benioff Children's Hospital’s Pulmonary Hypertension team, Parker and Colglazier have consistently trained students in the Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Acute Care specialty since 2015. They provide a robust and meaningful clinical experience, highlighting the NP role in interprofessional team practice and promoting professionalism when working with children, their families and the care team.
Read more about Fuata, Parker and Colglazier, including students’ comments, on the Preceptor Portal.

Faculty and Staff Capture New Funding
- Carol Dawson-Rose, PhD, RN, FAAN, professor in Community Health Systems, received a $352,064 award from the NIH National Institute of Nursing Research for her project, "Next Generation Nurse Scientists Ending the HIV Epidemic."
- Lauren Suchman, PhD, assistant professor in the Institute for Health and Aging (IHA), received a $86,957 award from the David and Lucile Packard Foundation for her project, "Future of RH Research (FOR) Kenya: Training Adolescent Girls and Young Women to Design and Conduct Studies on Quality of Contraceptive Care.”
- Faculty and staff members in Family Health Care Nursing received a four-year federal education workforce grant for the project, "Underserved Coalition for Bay Area Advanced Practice Training." The work will expand the academic-clinical partnership with LifeLong Medical, La Clinica de la Raza, Alameda Health System/Highland, Zuckerberg San Francisco General OB/GYN and Family Health Center to train students in the FNP, PNP and CNM specialties through clinical immersions. It will also work to recruit students, faculty and preceptors from diverse and underrepresented backgrounds. The team effort was achieved by Angel Kuo, EdD, MSN, PNP, professor and principal investigator; Elizabeth Gatewood, DNP, RN, FAAN, professor; Kim Dau, MS, RN, CNM, professor; Carrie Evans, MS, RN, FNP, assistant professor; Mary Anne Israel, MS, NP, assistant adjunct professor; with support from Rachel de Los Reyes, PhD, Brody Lowry, Jeremy Wong and Laura Moy, MA.
In the News
- Julene Johnson, PhD, and her work were featured in the National Institute on Aging’s blog post “Could ‘Musical Medicine’ Influence Healthy Aging?” which published May 25.
- Deena Mallareddy, MS, CNM, was featured in the campus' May 14 photo essay “How Midwifery Went From Radical Concept to Transformative Care.”
- A paper by Sarah Nathan, MS, RN, FNP-C, was selected as the Editor’s Choice article in Women’s Health Issues’ May-June 2023 edition. The paper is titled “Reasons for Having Unprotected Sex Among Adolescents and Young Adults Accessing Reproductive Health Services."
- Andrew Penn, MS, NP, was recently interviewed about his research in the UCSF TrPR lab on psychedelic-assisted therapy on the Psychiatry Tomorrow podcast and the Nurse Keith podcast.
- Cancer-Related Cognitive Impairment in Racial and Ethnic Minority Groups: A Scoping Review — Kimberly Lewis, PhD, July 11, 2023
- Toward Equity in Research Participation: Association of Financial Impact With In-Person Study Participation — Linda Franck, PhD, RN, FAAN, July 2023
- Understanding California’s Community Health Worker/Promotor Workforce: A Deep Dive Into CHW/P Employer Perspectives — Susan Chapman, PhD, MPH, RN, June 30, 2023
- Influence of Depression and Interpersonal Support on Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy Among People Living With HIV — Jerry John Nutor, PhD, RN, Natalie Wilson, PhD, DNP, MPH, Orlando Harris, PhD, MPH, FAAN, Jose Gutierrez, PhD, Thomas Hoffmann, PhD, Glenn-Milo Santos, PhD, MPH, June 29, 2023
- Understanding the Resilience of Children Living on an American Indian Reservation: A Mixed Methods Participatory Study — Christine Hodgson, PhD, RN, June 22, 2023
- Egg Donor Self-Reports of Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome: Severity by Trigger Type, Oocytes Retrieved and Prior History — Diane Tober, PhD, June 22, 2023
- The Role of Polygenic Risk Scores in Breast Cancer Risk Perception and Decision-Making — Barbara Koenig, PhD, RN, Jennifer James, PhD, MSW, June 13, 2023
- Trash Taxonomy Tool: Harmonizing Classification Systems Used to Describe Trash in Environments — Jeremiah Mock, PhD, June 6, 2023
- A Call to Address Structural Barriers to Hispanic/Latino Representation in Clinical Trials on Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias: A Micro-Meso-Macro Perspective — Elena Portacolone, PhD, MBA, MPH, June 5, 2023
- Reducing Drug Overdose Deaths: Significant Changes Needed in U.S. Drug Treatment Policy — Matt Tierney, MS, ANP, FAAN, Annesa Flentje, PhD, June 1, 2023
- Medication Matters: Improving Care Transitions in Older Adults After Hospitalization — Carolyn Bogard, DNP, RN, CMAC, Marianne Hultgren, DNP, RN, CNE, Courtney Gordon, DNP (not pictured) — June 2023
- Multiple Chronic Conditions and Disability Among Vietnamese Older Adults: Results From the Vietnamese Aging and Care Survey (VACS) — Van Ta Park, PhD, MPH, May 30, 2023
- Opinion: I’ve Lived Into my 40s Without Ever Owning a Smartphone. Hopefully I’ll Never Have To — Stacy Torres, PhD, May 27, 2023
- Eggonomics: Vitrification and Bioeconomies of Egg Donation in the United States and Spain — Diane Tober, PhD, May 25, 2023
- Inclusion of Vietnamese Americans: Opportunities to Understand Dementia Disparities — Van Ta Park, PhD, MPH, May 24, 2023
- Exploring the Impact of COVID-19 on Reported Maternal and Neonatal Complications and Access to Maternal Health Care in Five Government Health Facilities in Blantyre, Malawi — Kimberly Baltzell, PhD, RN, FAAN, May 23, 2023
- Association Between Body Mass Index and Posterior Spine Fusion Among Patients With Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis — Carrie Chan, MS, RN, May 18, 2023
- A Mixed Methods Study of Moral Distress Among Frontline Nurses During the COVID-19 Pandemic — Garrett Chan, PhD, RN, FAAN, May 18, 2023
- Asian Americans’ and Pacific Islanders’ Preferences in Recruitment Strategies and Messaging for Participation in the CARE Registry: A Discrete Choice Experiment — Van Ta Park, PhD, MPH, Marian Tzuang, PhD, MSW, Bora Nam, PhD, May 12, 2023
- "I Have Fought For So Many Things": Disadvantaged Families' Efforts to Obtain Community-Based Services for Their Child After Genomic Sequencing — Sara Ackerman, PhD, MPH, Julia Brown, PhD, May 10, 2023
- Investigating the Factor Structure and Measurement Invariance of the Eating Disorder Examination-Questionnaire (EDE-Q) in a Community Sample of Gender Minority Adults From the United States — Annesa Flentje, PhD, Micah Lubensky, PhD, May 10
- Associations Between Distinct State Anxiety Profiles, Exposure to Stressful Life Events, Resilience, and Coping in Patients with Gynecologic Cancers Receiving Chemotherapy — Steve Paul, PhD, Bruce Cooper, PhD, Christine Miaskowski, PhD, RN, FAAN, May 8, 2023