Leadership in Action: Alumni, Faculty, Staff and Student Milestones
Faculty, staff, students and alumni of the UCSF School of Nursing are changing health care with innovation.

Jerry John Nutor Named Carnegie African Diaspora Fellow
Jerry John Nutor, PhD, RN, assistant professor in Family Health Care Nursing, has been selected as a fellow by the Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship Program. Nutor will spend a month this summer with the University of Health and Allied Sciences in Ghana, conducting research with faculty at the School of Nursing and Midwifery and collaborating with them on designing curriculum for the master's program.
Daniel Suarez-Baquero Honored
ACTIONS postdoctoral scholar Daniel Suarez-Baquero, PhD, has been recognized as one of 100 bold nurses from Latin America who promote excellence in nursing, by the Latin American and Caribbean Sigma Region.

Elena Portacolone and Sahru Keiser Receive Award from Alzheimer’s Association
Elena Portacolone, PhD, MBA, MPH, associate professor, and Sahru Keiser, MPH, project manager, received the Dale Schenk Award from the Alzheimer’s Association.
The recognition, named for Dale Schenk, PhD, a leader in Alzheimer’s research whose pioneering discoveries opened up a novel approach to Alzheimer’s therapeutics, was awarded to Portacolone and Keiser in honor of their research to increase representation of Black Americans in clinical trials on dementia by better understanding the construct of trust.
Andrew Penn Receives Award from American Association of Nurse Practitioners
Andrew Penn, MS, PMHNP, has been named the recipient of the 2023 California Award for Excellence from the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP). These awards are presented annually to nurse practitioners and those who work to increase patient access to quality care that NPs provide. He will be honored along with other recipients at the AANP’s National Conference in June.

Van Park Joins NACC Committee
Van Park, PhD, MPH, professor in Community Health Systems, has been selected as a member of the National Alzheimer’s Coordinating Center (NACC) Scientific Review Committee. The NACC was established by the National Institute on Aging to facilitate collaborative research, and manages standardized clinical and neuropathological research data that supports Alzheimer's research.
Leadership Institute Team Returns from Taiwan
A team of seven from UCSF Health and the UCSF School of Nursing traveled to Taiwan from Nov. 4 to 12 to offer leadership development and evidence-based practice workshops to nurses at Min-Sheng General Hospital, as part of the institute’s partnership with the organization. The team members were Jyu-Lin Chen, chair of Family Health Care Nursing; Adam Cooper, director of Nursing Continuous Improvement at UCSF Health; Angel Kuo, vice chair of Family Health Care Nursing; Lisa Lommel, professor in Family Health Care Nursing; Elisa Jang, professional development specialist with the Leadership Institute; Pat Patton, chief nurse executive of UCSF Health; Justin Pohl, co-director of the Leadership Institute.
Sandra Weiss, Maryam Hamidi Present Microbiome Research
Sandra Weiss, PhD, RN, FAAN, professor in Community Health Systems, and postdoctoral fellow Maryam Hamidi, PhD, RN, presented findings from Weiss’ microbiome research at the 2022 World Congress of the International Society of Nurses in Genetics in November. The podium presentation was titled “Maternal Stress During Pregnancy and the Neonatal Microbiome."
ACTIONS Presents at APHA Annual Meeting
The ACTIONS team delivered multiple presentations at the American Public Health Association’s Annual Meeting, Nov. 6-9 in Boston, Massachusetts. Postdoctoral scholar Renee Mehra, PhD, gave a poster presentation on the team’s national survey exploring barriers to pursuing midwifery education among midwives of color. Nikki Lanshaw, MPH, project director, gave a roundtable presentation on an ACTIONS study with the Institute for Health Policy Studies on the state of midwifery practice in the Sacramento region.

KT Waxman Presents at AACN Conference
KT Waxman, DNP, RN, FAAN, professor in Community Health Systems, presented the plenary session “Incorporating the Essentials Into Simulation Scenarios and Utilizing Simulation to Assess Competencies” at the American Association of Colleges of Nursing's Faculty Development Conference on Nov. 30.
In addition, Waxman delivered the keynote speech “The Current and Future State of Simulation: Top Trends” at the UC Simulation Symposium on Dec. 9.
Celebrating Preceptors
Colleen Theologis, November Preceptor
Colleen Theologis, MS, ACCNS-AG, PCCN, is the November 2022 Preceptor of the Month. A sought-after preceptor for the Adult Gerontology Clinical Nurse Specialist track, she is an experienced clinical nurse specialist in the acute care setting and in charge of several medical-surgical units at Stanford Health Care. She has precepted for the UCSF School of Nursing for five years and always receives glowing reports from students. She is active in the National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists and in shared governance opportunities at her home institution.

Jenna Lewis, December Preceptor
Jenna Lewis, NP, is the December 2022 Preceptor of the Month. She has worked at Kaiser Permanente since 2000, first as a subspecialist in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility for eight years and currently in generalist care. Lewis has precepted midwifery students every quarter for the past year and has offered to precept students in the future. Faculty have seen how supportive she is to students.
Read more about Theologis and Lewis, including students' comments, on the Preceptor Portal.

Faculty, Postdocs and Specialties Capture New Funding
Jyu-Lin Chen, professor in Family Health Care Nursing, received a grant in the amount of $65,330 from the World Health Organization (WHO) for her project "Nursing Content Development for WHO Academy Course on Integrated Clinical Care: Framework Development and Evaluation."
Jenny Liu, associate professor in the Institute for Health & Aging, received a grant supplement in the amount of $202,287 from Muso, Inc. for her project "Proactive Community Case Management and Child Survival."
Tingting Yao, assistant professor in the Institute for Health & Aging, received a $156,250 grant supplement from the UC Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program for her project "The Impact of Price on the Demand for Marijuana and Cigarettes."
Jarmin Yeh, assistant professor in the Institute for Health and Aging (IHA), received a grant in the amount of $798,873 from the California Department of Public Health for her project "Replicating the IHSS + ADRD Training Project: Reducing the Social and Economic Impacts of Caregiving for Older Adults with ADRD in the IHSS System Through Training."
The Family Nurse Practitioner and Certified Nurse Midwifery specialties received a combined $312,000 in Song-Brown Healthcare workforce training funds. The Song-Brown program aims to increase the number of students and residents who receive quality primary care education and training in areas of unmet need in California.
In the News
Monica McLemore, PhD, RN, was among the experts quoted in NPR’s Dec. 29 article “Bleeding and In Pain, She Couldn’t Get Two Louisiana ERs to Answer: Is It a Miscarriage?”
Research by Kristen Harknett, PhD, on work schedules among service industry workers was cited in The Washington Post’s Dec. 8 article “Dynamic Scheduling Fails Companies and Workers.”
Andrew Penn, MS, PMHNP, was interviewed in Psychedelic Medicine Association's December podcast about a white paper on the elements of comprehensive psychedelic therapy that he co-authored.
Charlene Harrington, PhD, RN, FAAN, was quoted in The Washington Post’s Nov. 15 article “Decades of Neglect in Nursing Homes Spur Biden Plan for Staff Mandates.”
Monica McLemore, PhD, MPH, RN, was among the experts interviewed in the documentary “The Other F Bomb: Fake Clinics and How to Stop Them,” which aired on KPFA on Nov. 7.
Prediction Performance of Feature Selectors and Classifiers on Highly Dimensional Transcriptomic Data for Prediction of Weight Loss in Filipino Americans at Risk for Type 2 Diabetes — Yoshimi Fukuoka, PhD, RN, FAAN, Elena Flowers, PhD, RN, FAAN, Jan. 4, 2023
California’s Direct Care Workforce — Lauren Hunt, PhD, RN, FNP, Jarmin Yeh, PhD, MPH, MSSW, Jan. 3, 2023
Associations of COVID-19 Related Work Stressors With Psychological Distress: Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Californian Workers — Oi Saeng Hong, PhD, RN, FAAN, Dec. 22, 2022
Global Health Security Index Not a Proven Surrogate for Health Systems Capacity to Respond to Pandemics: The Case of COVID-19 — Jerry John Nutor, PhD, RN, Dec. 21, 2022
The Epidemiology of Smoking in Older Adults: A National Cohort Study — Lauren Hunt, PhD, RN, FNP, Heather Leutwyler, PhD, RN, FNP, Janine Cataldo, PhD, RN, Dec. 20, 2022
Individual and Situational Predictors of Psychological and Physiological Stress and Burnout Among Maternity Providers in Northern Ghana — Jerry John Nutor, PhD, RN, Dec. 15, 2022
Partnering to Prepare: An Academic/Workforce Collaboration to Develop Disaster Shelter Training for Nurses — Katherine Holbrook, MS, RN, CNS, Dec. 15, 2022
Milk Antibody Response After 3rd Dose of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine and SARS-CoV-2 Breakthrough Infection and Implications for Infant Protection — Ifeyinwa Asiodu, PhD, RN, FAAN, Dec. 14, 2022
New Psychotropic Medication Use Among Medicare Beneficiaries With Dementia After Hospital Discharge — Ulrike Muench, PhD, RN, FAAN, Dec. 13, 2022
MicroRNAs Associated With Incident Diabetes in the Diabetes Prevention Program — Elena Flowers, PhD, RN, FAAN, Dec. 12, 2022
Changes in E-cigarette Use and Subsequent Cigarette Smoking Cessation in the United States: Evidence from a Prospective PATH Study, 2013-2018 — Yingning Wang, PhD, Hai-Yen Sung, PhD, Wendy Max, PhD, Dec. 10, 2022
Cost-Effectiveness of Liposomal Amphotericin B for HIV-Associated Cryptococcal Meningitis — Tracy Lin, PhD, Dec. 10, 2022
Enhancing Dementia Knowledge and Self-Efficacy of In-Home Supportive Services Caregivers Through Online Training — Jarmin Yeh, PhD, MPH, MSSW, Brittney Pond, BA (not pictured), Matthew Beld, Leslie Ross, PhD, Dec. 9, 2022
Commentary: Why University of California Workers Striking for Better Pay Deserve It — Stacy Torres, PhD, Dec. 2, 2022