Leadership in Action: Alumni, Faculty, Staff and Student Milestones
Susan Kools Gives 38th Helen Nahm Research Lecture
Family Health Care Nursing Susan Kools, Madge M. Jones Professor of Nursing and associate dean for Diversity and Inclusion at the University of Virginia School of Nursing, was honored as the 38th Helen Nahm Research Lecturer. Her expertise as a child and adolescent psychiatric nurse-scientist underpins 30 years of scholarship with young people who experience vulnerability, marginalization by others and health inequities. The thread tying her studies together is the aim to promote developmentally and culturally appropriate interventions and contexts of care for adolescents.
On May 31, Professor Emerita ofOi Saeng Hong Wins 2018 Margretta Madden Styles Award
Community Health Systems Oi Saeng Hong, director of the School’s PhD degree and Occupational and Environmental Health Nursing programs, has received the Margretta Madden Styles Award for 2018 from the Alpha Eta chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing (Sigma). Hong was chosen for her work in nursing education, clinical practice and national and international policymaking, and for her research into nursing interventions to prevent hearing loss and tinnitus caused by exposure to noise and ototoxic chemicals. The award, first presented in 1987, is named for Styles, a former dean of the School, and recognizes excellence in clinical practice, teaching, administration or research among Alpha Eta members.
Professor ofStella Bialous’ Work Featured on World Tobacco Day
Stella Bialous, associate professor of Social and Behavioral Sciences, was featured as a World No Tobacco Day Heart Heroes Case Study as part of the World Heart Federation’s celebration of World No Tobacco Day 2018 on May 31. Bialous outlined her work on mobilizing nurses as an anti-tobacco force and her research and policy work surrounding tobacco issues worldwide.
Jason Flatt, Julene Johnson on Cognitive Decline in LGBT Older Adults
Jason Flatt and Professor Julene Johnson, both of the Institute for Health & Aging, are authors of a study on the correlates of subjective cognitive decline among lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) older adults, published in the June 2018 issue of the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. The study explores the relationship between modifiable risk factors for dementia, other health and social factors, and subjective cognitive decline in 210 LGBT adults aged 50 and older. The authors found that almost 25 percent of subjects reported experiencing subjective cognitive decline symptoms during the month prior to answering a health questionnaire; some subgroups, including people of color, those with depression and those reporting functional impairment, were more likely to report cognitive decline. The authors recommend considering depression and functional impairment when screening older LGBT adults for cognitive impairment and dementia, and targeted outreach and screening for those who identify as racial and ethnic minorities.
Assistant Adjunct ProfessorVan Ta Park Featured in Documentary on Alzheimer’s in the Asian Community
Van Ta Park, associate professor of Community Health Systems, is featured in a recent documentary by filmmaker Peter Trinh on the challenges of facing Alzheimer’s disease in the Asian community. The film, which features advocates, families and health care professionals, is available for viewing on Vimeo. (The video is in English and will be translated into Vietnamese, Chinese and Korean.)
Molly Vitorte Is Named Dean’s Chief of Staff
On July 2, Molly Vitorte joined the School of Nursing as the chief of staff to the dean. Vitorte, who previously served as deputy director of the Human Rights Center at UC Berkeley School of Law, has held appointments at the University of California Office of the President and at Stanford University. Throughout the past six years, she has also served as a fund-raiser for undergraduate education at UC Berkeley.
A university administrator, lecturer and published author, Vitorte has written on topics such as international human rights and staff diversity, equity and inclusion in higher education. Her previous human rights and humanitarian relief work includes forensic investigations in the former Yugoslavia for the international war crimes tribunal and elections monitoring in Mozambique.
Vitorte is a graduate of the 2016 UC-Coro Systemwide Leadership Collaborative Northern California cohort. She holds a BA degree from the University of Washington and earned her interdisciplinary PhD degree in Latin American Studies at UC Berkeley.
UCSF Faculty, Students in JNP: The Journal for Nurse Practitioners on Integrating HIV into Primary Care
project designed to help integrate human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) care into NP-led primary care. With funding from the federal Heath Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), School of Nursing faculty developed, implemented and evaluated an HIV primary care curriculum with a cohort of 55 primary care NP students. Students showed gains in HIV knowledge and confidence in providing HIV care, as well as improvements in attitudes toward people living with HIV.
A group of UCSF faculty and students have published the results of aThe project paper is published in the June 2018 issue of JNP: The Journal for Nurse Practitioners. The authors are Director of Evaluation Nancy Warren, Portia Morris and Christopher Fox, of the Pacific AIDS Education & Training Center Program at UCSF; Professor and Chair Carol Dawson-Rose, Professors Emeritae Carmen Portillo and Suzan Stringari-Murray, and Assistant Clinical Professor and PhD candidate Kellie Freeborn, of the Department of Community Health Systems; and Clinical Professor Erica Monasterio, of the Department of Family Health Care Nursing.
Erica Monasterio in Vox on Ethics of Interagency Sharing of Health Information on Migrant Children
article on the health effects of separating migrant children from their parents. Monasterio noted that the federal government’s policy of sharing migrant children’s health information between the Departments of Health and Human Services and Homeland Security may be a violation of providers’ ethical responsibility to maintain confidentiality.
Clinical Professor of Family Health Care Nursing Erica Monasterio was quoted in a recent VoxRaji Koppolu Is President-Elect of the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners
National Association of Pediatric Nurse Pracitioners (NAPNP), which represents almost 9,000 practicing pediatric nurse practitioners across the United States.
School of Nursing alumna Raji Koppolu (MSN ’04) has been named president-elect of theKoppolu, who currently serves as interim director for advanced practice and provides inpatient and ambulatory care to pediatric surgical patients at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford, will be responsible for helping support NAPNP’s strategic goals, including leadership/mentorship, engagement, child health advocacy, professional practice awareness and influence, and organizational operations and sustainability.
Genna Purcell Receives 2018 Jeanne Rous Award
Nurse-midwifery student Genna Purcell is the recipient of the 2018 Jeanne Rous Award, presented by the nurse-midwifery education program and the nurse-midwifery service at Priscilla Chan and Mark Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center. The award is named for Jeanne Rous, a UCSF midwifery graduate from the class of 1982, who was the first midwife at Kaiser Permanente in Northern California and paved the way for the establishment of a powerful and vital group of Kaiser midwives throughout Northern California.
This award honors Rous’ contributions as a loving, compassionate and deeply spiritual midwife and teacher. It is given annually to a second-year midwifery student who exemplifies some of Rous’ finest qualities, in anticipation of the recipient perpetuating Rous’ dedication to making every birthing person feel loved and honored.
Recent Publications
Risk Adjustment for Hospital Characteristics Reduces Unexplained Hospital Variation in Pressure Injury Risk (Daniel Linnen), July/August 2018
Mechanisms and Measurement of Changes in Gene Expression (Komal Singh, Christine Miaskowski, Elena Flowers, Kord Kober), July 2018
Depression and Help-Seeking Among Native Hawaiian Women (Van Ta Park), July 2018
eConsult–Transforming Primary Care or Exacerbating Clinician Burnout? (Sara Ackerman), June 1, 2018
Emerging Roles for Peer Providers in Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders (Susan Chapman, Lisel Blash, Joanne Spetz), June 2018
Characteristics and Predictors of Occupational Injury Among Career Firefighters (Stephanie Phelps, Dana Drew-Nord, Margaret Wallhagen, Oi Saeng Hong), June 2018
Risk Factors for Obesity in Preschool-Aged Children in China (Jyu-Lin Chen, Jill Howie-Esquivel, Catherine Chesla), June 2018
Utilization and Economic Contribution of Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioners in Public Behavioral Health Services (Susan Chapman, Bethany Phoenix), June 2018
Risk Factors Associated with Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea in the Week Prior to the Next Cycle and Impact of Nausea on Quality of Life Outcomes (Komal Singh, Kord Kober, Elena Flowers, Steve Paul, Christine Miaskowski), May 29, 2018
Evaluating the Capacity of California’s Publicly Funded Universities to Provide Medication Abortion (Diane Tober), May 18, 2018
What Role Do Masculine Norms Play in Men’s HIV Testing in Sub-Saharan Africa?: A Scoping Review (Shari Dworkin), May 18, 2018
Neonatologists Can Impede or Support Parents’ Participation in Decision-Making During Medical Rounds in Neonatal Intensive Care Units (Linda Franck), May 3, 2018
FCTC Implementation in Nigeria: Lessons for Low and Middle-Income Countries (Stella Bialous), April 6, 2018
Bovine Leukemia Virus Linked to Breast Cancer but Not Coinfection with Human Papillomavirus: Case-Control Study of Women in Texas (Kimberly Baltzell), April 1, 2018
Menopausal-Related Symptoms in Women One Year After Breast Cancer Surgery (Melissa Mazor, Kathryn Lee, Janine Cataldo, Steve Paul, Christine Miaskowski), April 2018
Impact of Chemotherapy-Induced Neurotoxicities on Adult Cancer Survivors’ Symptom Burden and Quality of Life (Christine Miaskowski, Judy Mastick, Steve Paul, Kord Kober, Grace Mausisa, Melissa Mazor, Margaret Wallhagen), April 2018
HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Uptake and Retention Among Men Who Have Sex with Men in a Community-Based Sexual Health Clinic (J. Carlo Hojilla, David Vlahov, Carol Dawson-Rose, Kellie Freeborn, Adam Carrico), April 2018
Risk of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Is Associated with Glycaemia Status in South Asian Men and Women in the United States (Rupinder Deol, Kathryn Lee), March 2018
The Effect of Yoga on Arm Volume, Strength, and Range of Motion in Women at Risk for Breast Cancer-Related Lymphedema (Melissa Mazor), February 2018
Prevalence of Ototoxic Medication Use Among Older Adults in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin (Yoonmee Joo, Oi Saeng Hong, Margaret Wallhagen), January 2018
Technological Distractions (Part 2): A Summary of Approaches to Manage Clinical Alarms with Intent to Reduce Alarm Fatigue (Xiao Hu), January 2018