When she joined the UC San Francisco School of Nursing late last year, Stella Aguinaga Bialous brought an impressive résumé as a tobacco researcher, policy expert and nursing scholar.
Researchers and graduates from the Occupational and Environmental Health Nursing program at UC San Francisco School of Nursing are demonstrating the power of an often-misunderstood specialty to have a dramatic impact on population health.
Suzanne Bakken (PhD, ’89) has been a leader in using informatics to improve care and reduce health disparities. Her current work wrestles with how to use technological trends – from big data to mobile technology – to further improve the health of the underserved.
In the United States, maternal mortality rates are on the rise. Audrey Lyndon and her colleagues studied the problem and have created a blueprint for improving communication and patient safety in maternal health care.
According to a recently released study led by UC San Francisco School of Nursing professor Ulrike Muench, nursing – a female-dominated profession – is not immune to the same types of gender-based pay inequality that exist in many other professions.
Dementia can take a huge toll on the health and well-being of caregivers. UCSF researchers are looking at ways to help family caregivers cope with the stresses and provide the best possible care to their loved ones.
Immigrant mothers – driven by poverty to leave their children behind and come to the US to provide their families with better lives – wrestle with the mental health challenges their choices engender. Rosa Maria Sternberg’s work brings their struggles to light and helps the mothers and health care providers address the challenges.
For over a century, the tobacco industry's narrative about cigarettes has been a major contributor to more than 100 million deaths worldwide. In the 34th annual Helen Nahm Research Lecture, UCSF’s Ruth Malone described how she and her tobacco control colleagues are reshaping that narrative.
For too long, infant pain went unrecognized and untreated. That’s changed, but with improved pain management, a new set of clinical challenges has emerged. An interdisciplinary team from UCSF is tackling those challenges.
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About Science of Caring
Science of Caring is an online publication from one of the nations top nursing schools, UCSF School of Nursing. We feature stories about important health care issues and themes from the perspectives of UCSF nurse experts. Our goal is to share how communities are affected by our nurses, how the profession is served, and how our students grow and become leaders in the field.